Chapter 15

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Y/n spun around, catching the blade with both of his hands.

"Nice try fucko."

Y/n snapped the blade in half, jabbing the man in the stomach right after.

"Does that hurt? Broken arm, and then a jab to the stomach? Watch this."

Y/n swung his left arm, landing a nasty left hook onto the man's ribs. In an instant, the man froze, groaning as he curled up towards the site of impact.

"That hurts, huh?"

Y/n stepped onto the man's neck, digging it into the ground.

"Does it hurt? Are you scared? Can you breathe?"

The man shook his head.

Y/n slowly applied more pressure, "It doesn't hurt?"

"It- does!!"

Y/n stepped off of the man's neck, waiting a few moments before landing a devastating punch onto the man's face.

"Who said you could talk?"

Blood flowed down the man's face through his nose as he continued to hold his arms on his right side.

"That liver punch looked like it hurt. How about I help that."

Y/n began to stomp on the man's arms, applying extreme pressure to not only the shattered bones in the man's right arm, but his ribs as well. The sound of bones cracking filled Y/n's ears, bringing a smile to his face. Continuing to stomp on the man, Y/n watched as he tried to scream in pain, but couldn't.

"What's wrong? Are your vocal cords broken or something?"

Y/n stomped on the man once more, shattering the ribs that protected his organs. A raspy, broken, scream erupted from the man's mouth as Y/n watched him spit out blood.

"Oh my, that punch really did a number on you huh... Oh well."

Y/n kicked the man's stomach before pulling out the phone in the victim's pocket. Without a single thought of what he had just done, Y/n dialed the authorities, putting on the same act he usually does.

"Hello? I'd like to report a fight. I have three people incapacitated here. Two of them appear to have suffered heavy trauma to the heads, and the last one appears to be suffering from a plethora of shattered bones. What am I doing here? I was taking a stroll when I heard a lot of screaming and noise. I'm across the street from the southern JW10. Okay, thank you."

Y/n looked around, grabbing the metal bat.

"I need to clean this place up."

Y/n wiped his finger prints off of the bat, placing it in one of the man's hands, wrapping his fingers around the handle.

"If any of you say anything about me, I'm going to subject you to endless torture."

Y/n walked to the entrance of the alleyway, taking his hood and mask off before leaning on the wall. As the emergency forces arrived, Y/n sighed at the thought of being questioned endlessly. A police officer stepped up to Y/n, followed by a group of paramedics.

"Are you the one that called?"

"Yes sir."

"What are you doing out here so late? I assume you are a student."

"I'm just taking a stroll through the city to clear up my head."

"Are your parents around?"

"No. I was on my way home."

"Do you live far from here?"

"No sir."

"Do you know what happened here?"

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