Chapter 10

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The mysterious boy looked up, before looking back at Y/n and Minju.

"You two might wanna leave. The cops are showing up."

Minju gasped, "The cops?"

"I'm not sure if you felt it yourself because you were so shocked, but Y/n over here moved so fast he shattered the surrounding glass. Now run if you don't want to get caught."

Snapping back to his senses, Y/n grabbed Minju's hand and dashed off. When Minju looked behind her, the boy was gone.

Where did he go??

The duo ran back into the crowd gathered at the front of the school just in time while their teacher was taking roll call.

"Kim Minju?"

Minju raised her hand, "Here!"

The teacher nodded before looking at their clipboard.

"I see Y/n is here as well."

"Yes sir!" Y/n replied.

After twenty minutes, the students, with the exception of those whose classes were damaged, were allowed back into the building where they promptly resumed class. In between classes, Minju blankly stared at her notes. Images of the prior scenes flashed before her as she tried to piece together the puzzle.

Jang Jisoo... He has to be a student of a nearby middle school...

Minju pulled out her phone and opened up the map of her area.

Nearby middle schools... Where are some- There! Should I go today? Will Y/n suspect that I'm visiting there? I'll just tell him that I was told to head that way and that I'd be fine. Yeah.

After class, Minju put her arms through the straps of her backpack.


Y/n looked up, "Hm?"

"You're going to have to walk home alone today."

"Oh? Are you doing something?"


"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then."


That was easy.

Minju exited the building, starting in the direction of the only middle school in the immediate area.

I'll be able to tell if this is the correct school by their uniforms- Or their lack of uniforms.

After quite a bit of walking, Minju arrived at her destination.

They don't get out for another hour... What should I do while I wait? Is there a nearby cafe? I can do my homework there.

Minju looked at the map.

There's one right across the street. Perfect.

Minju walked to the nearest café and sat down after ordering something from the front counter.

I'll just do my homework while I wait for them to get out.

Y/n arrived home, tossing his backpack onto the floor of his room.

I wonder what Minju is doing... Oh well.

Y/n took out his phone and plopped onto his bed, scrolling through his feed.

Nothing interesting has happened recently. Although news of a bomb at our high school went viral. Especially after the police couldn't find anything but a bunch of incapacitated bodies on the floor. I'm surprised they let us go back to class so soon after it happened... Eh, we're probably going to get questioned tomorrow.

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