Chapter 32

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"What were you planning?"

Y/n applied further pressure to the man, forcing him to cough.

"Tell me! I'm in a bad mood right now."

"I won't tell you anything."

Y/n gritted his teeth, "You will."

"Make me."

Y/n pressed his forearm against the man's neck, freeing his dominant hand.

If you insist.

Y/n grabbed the man's right hand, twisting it clockwise.

"You going to talk yet?"

The man clenched his teeth in an attempt to suppress the urge to scream.

"You're not?" Y/n smirked, "So be it."

Y/n snapped his hand forward, tearing the man's wrist. A pained scream flooded from the man's throat before Y/n abruptly cut it off with further pressure from his forearm.

"I thought you said you didn't want to talk? I assume that means you don't want to make noises as well."

Y/n wrapped his hand around the base of the man's other hand.

"You want to talk now?"


"Wrong answer."

Y/n snapped the man's other wrist, slamming the back of his skull into the wall out of frustration.

"Fine. I'll just go to the others then."

Y/n walked to another one of the men reeling on the ground.

"You're next. Tell me what your plans were."

Panicked, the man scrambled to his feet to no avail, "W-Who are you?!"

"Wrong answer."

Y/n placed his foot on the man's chest.

"Answer me."

"We were going to rob a place!!"


"I-I don't know!!"

Y/n pressed his foot onto the man's chest, causing his ribs to bend downward.

"Wrong answer again. I'm in a real bad mood, so you better get one of your friends here to answer my damn question."

"Y-You knocked the person who knows out!"

"That sounds like a you problem, doesn't it?"

Y/n pressed down harder, feeling more irritation pulse through him the harder he pressed down.

"You're starting to piss me off."

"Please- ACK- I'm not doing anything!!"

"You're pissing me off. That's what you're doing."

"He's- Awake!!"

Y/n turned around to find a blade driving down upon him, slicing his right ribs, sending him off balance. The wielder of the blade took advantage of this opportunity to drive his blade into Y/n's stomach causing more pain to shoot up to his brain.


In an attempt to retaliate, Y/n punched forward, but couldn't muster up the strength to make contact.

Am I going to die? Is this it?

The man continued to drive his blade into Y/n's torso, filling it with deep, narrow holes.

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