Chapter 27

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A cold unforgiving darkness enveloped Y/n as he stared into the abyss that was his ceiling. With his arm extended, the boy grasped at the void in front of him.

I really fucked up again... How could I be so stupid? How could I possibly think I could live a life of bliss? God has something against me. You sick son of a bitch. What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why was I born with these superhuman capabilities, only to live a life of misery? I try to help out the city by stopping crime, yet here I am being denied any form of happiness myself. Actually, you let me be happy for a little bit so that it would hurt more when you stripped it away didn't you? You sadistic piece of shit. Is this how I'm supposed to repent for sins of my past life? Am I being damned to a life of eternal torture? Tell me! What the fuck is going on?! Answer me damn it!!

After a few moments, Y/n let out a heavy sigh.

Should I try to talk to her tomorrow? She probably thinks I'm a monster... Will she even want to be my friend after this? I hope I can at least clear things up... I don't want to be alone again...

Y/n slowly dragged himself out of bed, feeling every cell in his body turn to mush. Not only did his arms ache, but his eyes were incredibly dry. His sinuses were stuffed, and his mind was nowhere to be found.

I hate this...

Y/n walked himself to his bathroom, where he attempted to flush his sinuses.

It's no use. I should take a shower.

Y/n walked into his room, pulling out the first things he saw from his closet before hopping into the shower.

Should I text her? No. She said she wants time to herself. Does that mean that she doesn't hate me? She didn't say anything like 'get away from me' or anything. But that doesn't mean anything. She could have decided that she doesn't want to associate with me while she spent time alone...

Y/n balled his right hand into a fist, flinching when the tension in his arm brought a sharp aching pain.

The hell goes on here? My arm's never hurt in the past... Did I potentially overexert myself last night? No... I've done way worse before without such pain.

Y/n shrugged off the irregularity and finished his shower, heading back to his bed to do absolutely nothing. Y/n checked his phone for any texts before putting it down to wait. Seconds felt like minutes. Minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like an eternity as Y/n waited for the moment that Minju sent him a message. A few grueling hours later, Y/n's phone buzzed, causing him to swing his arm to grab it from his night stand with such precision and speed, that he wouldn't have believed he did it without looking.


Are you awake


I'm heading over with your backpack


Y/n gripped his phone.

She didn't send a question mark with her question. Does that mean something? It feels like she doesn't want to talk to me at all... No. I'm sure I'm just overthinking things. It's MinMin, there's absolutely no way she'd just dissociate with me that fast. Not without at least talking it out. Is she going to do that exact thing when she comes over?!

A knot built up in Y/n's stomach as he anxiously waited for Minju's arrival. His mind flew everywhere, imagining different situations that could play out when his expected guest arrived. A few minutes later, Y/n heard his phone buzz once more.


I'm here

Y/n took a deep breath before sliding out of his bed.

There's no way. It's not happening again. Pull yourself together, Y/n. Minju is different. She wouldn't do something like that. We're too close. Yeah.

Y/n rushed down the stairs, pausing as he grabbed onto the handle of his front door.

She's just here to drop off my backpack. We're going to talk things out later on, and we're going to go back to how things were just a few hours before the entire thing happened... Yeah.

Y/n twisted the handle, pulling his door towards him, revealing Minju.

"Hey, about last night-"

Minju extended her arm, holding Y/n's backpack in front of her.

"Don't talk to me."

Y/n's heart stopped, bringing a harsh stinging pain with it as he slowly grabbed his backpack.


As if the backpack was the only thing that kept Minju there, Y/n hesitated to grab the small luggage in order to keep his best friend there. After a few moments, Y/n finally grabbed the bag, holding it at his side.


"I'll be going now."

Y/n felt his legs weaken as he watched Minju walk away.

Please... Don't go...

Unable to feel anything, Y/n stared blankly at the ground, still standing with the front door open. Nothing flowed through his mind as he struggled to process the situation.

Is it over? There's no way... Right?!

Y/n finally closed his door before slowly making his way back up his stairs, into his room where he lifelessly dropped his bag onto the floor, remaining in the middle of his room.

She hates me. She doesn't want to talk to me. She doesn't want to be friends with me. What am I going to do now? My life is empty once more, and I'm left in a void. All because I couldn't control my anger and lost control of myself in front of them again...

Y/n felt a bellowing rage flow through every fiber of his body threatening to explode out of him if left unattended. Feeling restless, Y/n grabbed his pillow, and threw it at the wall.

I need to vent my anger tonight.

Y/n grabbed his used laundry, throwing it into the wash before sliding back into his bed.

I hope the blood stains are able to be washed out. If not, I guess it works as an intimidation factor.

Patiently, Y/n waited for nightfall before sneaking out of the house, making a dash towards the center of the city.

Here's to hoping that I find something interesting.

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