Chapter 29

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Minju followed the pair to a more secluded place where they could talk peacefully. Once done walking, Nari turned around, crossing her arms.

"What happened?"

"We were walking home after our date when we were attacked by a person with a knife. Luckily, Y/n stopped the blade before it could hit me, but after..."

Nari watched as Minju succumbed to her uneasiness.

"You don't have to tell me what he did next. I can infer."

"You can?"


"Has he done it before?"

"Once that I can recall. I don't know how many people he's beaten to near death after though," Nari crossed her arms, "I am curious though. How do you know about me?"

Minju fiddled with her fingers, unsure if she should disclose why, "He called out to you in his sleep once.."

Nari's calm face turned more serious, obviously finding herself more invested in the conversation.

"He called out to me while he was sleeping?"

Minju nodded, "Yeah. He was begging you not to leave him or something. He seemed pretty distraught. Could you tell me what happened between you two? Why did you leave him?"

Nari sighed, "The same thing that's happening between you two. Someone attacked the two of us, he stopped the attack, and beat the person to near death. I can guarantee that he almost killed your guy by slamming his head into a surface."

Surprised, Minju stepped back with wide eyes, "H-How did you know?!"

"I know Y/n."

"What should I do then?"

"That's up to you. I'm not in any place to dictate how you should live your life."

"You said you know Y/n. Is he a good person?"

"Yes. He has his heart in the right place."

"Then should I stay friends with him?"

"Again, that's dependent on you. You should figure out what you want to do. As in the end, even if I tell you to stay friends with him, if you're not feeling it, then you should cut ties with him."

"But he doesn't have any friends..."

"He doesn't?"

"No. After you left, everyone alienated him."

Nari's eyes grew soft, catching Minju's attention.

"You still care about him, don't you?"

"No shit."

"Then why did you two separate?"

"Because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see him the same way I used to. It ate away at me, bringing me to the conclusion that we couldn't be friends anymore."

"You couldn't give him closure?"

"I couldn't even give myself closure. How am I supposed to give him closure? I couldn't even stand talking to him anymore because it felt like I was talking to someone completely different."

Minju tilted her head, "What was he like before?"

"He was a kind hearted precious boy who wanted nothing but the happiness of those around him."

"That doesn't make any sense... If he was such a kind boy, then why would the school ostracize him after the incident between you two? Shouldn't they know that he's a good person?"

"I don't know. I guess that's just how schools work. A rumor spreads, and there go his chances."

Minju frowned at the idea of Y/n's life being ruined without him doing anything wrong.

"Have you talked to him since the incident?"

Minju stared at the ground, "No..."

"You shouldn't leave him alone. He's prone to overthinking."

Minju snapped her head up with wide eyes, "He is?!"


Minju pulled out her phone, remembering that she didn't have cell service.

What should I do...

"I believe we're done here."

Those sudden words pulled Minju back into reality.

"Wait! I still don't know what to do!!"

"That's not something I can help with. You need to think about it yourself."

Minju pouted as she watched the two walk away.

Wait shit- I don't know my way back...

"Go to the main street and walk east 'till you find the school! You should know how to get home from there!"

Minju looked up to see Nari turned around.

Did she know I was lost? I did mention that I'm not from this area.

Minju shrugged it off, following her directions till she got to the school.

Good thing I was given directions. I don't know what I'd do if I had to find my way back home...

Minju sighed as she walked back to her house.

Should I text him? I don't think that'd be a good idea since I don't even know if I can handle talking to him. I should be quick though... I don't want him to overthink his way into a corner.

Minju plopped onto her bed as the sun began to set.

Is it already the evening? I didn't think I was out for that long...

Minju pulled out her phone, opening Y/n's conversation.

I really want to text him, but I don't want to risk worsening things. What if he overthinks? No. He's going to do it regardless. Focus on yourself Kim Minju. The faster you get over this, the faster you can contact Y/n, and the faster this will be over.

Minju put her phone down, sighing once more.

This is so difficult!! I obviously still want to be friends with him, but at the same time, I don't know if I can stay friends with him because I'm not even sure if I can make contact with him. Just like Nari ssi, I might not be able to handle even looking at him or seeing him. If that's the case, then how will I do anything in school?? Could I ask Mr. Oh to change my seat? That could work. I'd feel bad for that, cause Y/n would be alone again...

Minju violently ran her hands through her hair.

URGHHH why do I have to feel like this?! Why can't I just get over it and talk to him again? Why does this situation have to be so difficult? If it weren't, we'd probably be happily talking right now. That would be so much better than what's going on right now...

Minju closed her eyes.

I guess I'll have to continue on through my day and see how things play out tomorrow. Should I make a sandwich for him tomorrow? Yeah, I should. That way, he will probably feel better about himself knowing that I still care.

Minju relaxed her body, slowly drifting asleep as her physical activity caught up to her.

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