Chapter 24

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Y/n followed Minju down the stairs, stopping as she spun around on the ground floor.

"I have an idea."

"Ideas? You can have those?"

Minju rolled her eyes, "Anyway. How about we head out somewhere?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

"If you want to think of it like that."

"That sounds fun."

"Alright. Let's grab our stuff."

Y/n walked into his room, digging through his bag for his wallet.

I wonder what the weather's like.

Y/n walked down the stairs, chuckling as he got to the base.

"I feel like you've been planning this out the entire day."

Confused, Minju tilted her head, "Why?"

"Cause you changed into that outfit from your pajamas despite it not being house clothes."

"What? No, I just liked how they looked."

Y/n narrowed his eyes, "Sure..."

Minju shook her head as she walked away, "Whatever. Are you just going to go in your pajamas?"

Y/n looked down, "Ah shit-"

As the duo walked through the front gate, Y/n noticed a pair of kids walking.

"I guess we're not the only ones going on a date today."


Y/n pointed towards the direction of the two kids. Minju's eyes widened as she spotted the other duo.

"I know those two!"

Y/n furrowed his eyebrows, "Huh..."


Y/n watched Minju jog in their direction, baffled.

She hasn't met anyone beside me... Was it the day she said she wanted to go to do something?

Y/n shook his head as he matched Minju's gait.

"How do you know these kids?"

"I met them once."


"Not too long ago."

Minju slowed down her jog, now coming to a normal walking speed.

"Jisoo ssi!!"

Y/n watched the boy turn around, showing surprise when he laid eyes on Minju. The younger pair stopped walking, allowing the older ones to catch up.

"What brings you out here, Noona?"

"Noona?! Since when did you call her that?!"

Y/n's attention turned to the younger girl.

Woah- She's tall...

"Is it not fit to call her Noona out of respect?"

"What did you two do at the park?"

Y/n raised an eyebrow.

The park?

"We just had a conversation. That's all."

"About what?"

"That's up to Noona to decide whether or not we talk about it."

Everyone looked at Minju.

Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora