Chapter 25

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Y/n opened the door to the restaurant, letting Minju enter first. After a quick scan, the two walked to an open table detached from the rest of the restaurant.

With a triumphant nod Y/n smiled, "This spot's pretty nice."

Minju nodded, "We should check out what movies are available right now."

Y/n grabbed his phone, scrolling through it to find a movie at the nearby theater.

"I don't see anything too good."

Y/n continued scrolling until he gave up.

"How about we watch Part-Time Spy?"

Minju furrowed an eyebrow, "I've never heard of that one."

"It was just released."

"Oh- Sure."

"We have about half an hour to eat then."

"Half an hour," Minju mouthed, "Okay."

After consuming probably too much chicken, the two walked to the movie theater to buy their tickets.

Ticket in hand Minju pursed her lips. With a curious gaze, the girl tilted her head, "Have you seen any reviews for the movie?"

Y/n shook his head, "Nope. I don't want to get spoiled.


"Do you want popcorn?"

"Nah, I'm still full from the chicken."

Y/n smirked, "You went to town on that thing."

Minju waved her hand, dismissing the prior remark, "It's been a while since I've had fried chicken."


"Yeah. We usually save it for special occasions or celebrations."

"Surely you would have had one in the past few months, right?"


"That's sad."

Minju shrugged dismissively, "Eh, I don't mind it too much. It just makes those times when I do eat fried chicken all the more special."

"You're right."

"Do you want to sit in the front, or the back of the theater?"

"How about the back?"

"I was thinking the same."

Y/n smiled, "I'm glad we can agree."

Y/n led Minju up the stairs, sitting at the edge of the row. While waiting for the movie to start, Y/n took a peak at the girl beside him.

Who would have guessed I would be doing this so soon...

Minju placed her hand on Y/n's as the lights dimmed.

"You're staring."

"I don't know how I could ever stop."

A small smile crept on Minju's face as she turned her head toward the movie screen. Without realizing, Y/n found his fingers interlocked with Minju's grasping it tightly.

"Woah," Minju giggled, "I'm not going anywhere."

Y/n loosened his grip, "Sorry."

Y/n turned his head forward hoping that the movie would never end.

As the pair walked out of the movie theater, Minju looked at the sky frowning.

"The sun's already setting."

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