Chapter 26

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Minju froze in place.

Wait- Did he really ask me that? Is he being serious? Or is he joking?! I can't tell since we joked about it so much in the past... What do I say?! What's going on?!


Minju turned red, shaking her head in a panic, "W-What?"

"Are you okay?"


"Do you need time?"

Still somewhat distressed Minju nodded, "Give me a few moments."

"Take your time."

Minju took a deep breath in hopes of quelling her chaotic mind. But instead, the flow of oxygen caused her mind to only race faster.

Am I actually ready for this? What are my parents going to say? What if I don't actually want to get into a relationship? I don't want to reject him after everything we've said...

Y/n looked around the surrounding area.

It's pretty empty tonight. That doesn't make sense though... It's Saturday. I should be able to see at least some people, but the only people here are us two, and the other pair.

Y/n turned his head to the direction of the younger duo to see Jisoo looking directly at him, giving him a thumbs up with a slight smile on his face.

What is he trying to say to me?

Y/n turned back to Minju.

She's clearly distraught. Maybe this wasn't the right time to say it.

A feeling of uneasiness grew in Y/n's stomach as he began to second guess even himself.

"You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like you're ready."

Minju blinked rapidly, snapping back into reality.


"If now's not the right time for me to be asking that, then you don't have to answer."


"No buts. We shouldn't rush into a relationship like this. We haven't even known each other for a week. Your silence has caused me to wonder if I'm ready for a relationship."

Minju frowned, "Oh..."

"I don't think I'll be able to handle losing you. If that means we have to take things slower, then I'll gladly take things as slowly as I need to, so long as that means I get to see your carefree smile every day."

An overwhelming wave of emotions flowed through Minju as she processed every word Y/n said.

"I-I... I-"

Minju's breath hitched, causing audible shallow breaths to come from her mouth.

I can't think... What's wrong with me?? This is my chance!!

Tears welled in MInju's eyes as Y/n's words echoed in her mind.

'If that means we have to take things slower, then I'll gladly take things as I need to, so long as that means I get to see your carefree smile every day.'

Minju's tears streamed down her face, sparkling in the soft moonlight-illuminating her delicate skin. To Y/n's worry, Minju began to hyperventilate, visibly showing distress, causing that uneasy knot in his stomach to intensify.

No... I shouldn't have asked her.

Y/n grabbed Minju's hand with one hand, cupping her cheek with his other, snapping the latter out of her trance.

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