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"Yibo wh..what you doing?!"

"I want you!"


Yibo was smiling knowing Zhan will be with him later it already 3 and Yibo can't wait any longer but before he could leave a message for Zhan someone already called him.

Yibo expected it was Zhan but he frown when the incoming call is from his friend.

"What do you want?!" Asked Yibo frowning.

"We saw He Peng."


"XXX club!"

"Be right there!"

With that Yibo end the call and left the house forgetting about Zhan who is going to came to his house.

[XXX CLUB, 15:25]

"Where is he?!"

"There drinking and yelling like a madman saying that you didn't deserve Zhan. Laughing at himself. Stupid.!!" Said Yibo's friend, Wang Haoxuan pointing his finger to He Peng who keep laughing and cursing Wang Yibo.


Yibo walked to He Peng, grabbing He Peng forearm and spin him around.


Yibo fist landed on He Peng face. He Peng who didn't realize Wang Yibo was behind him cursing and rising to see the one that dare to disturb him.

"How dare you.....!! Don't you kn...!!"

Before He Peng continued to question Wang Yibo, He Peng stopped talking and smirking to Yibo.

" Oh the dickhead!! What do you want now?! You stole Zhan from me now what else did you want to steal?! TELL ME MR WANG?!! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"

He Peng yelled to Yibo face and Yibo be like what the fuck man your mouth smell like a death fish. [Just kidding ]😂

Yibo wiped his face, cleaning He Peng saliva that is staining his handsome face. Yibo sat down on the stoll He Peng occupied just now and order a wine.

" I want you to apologize!"

"Apologize?! To whom?! You?! No fucking head asshole!!"

" Not to me, but to Zhan!! You disrespect him so I want you to apologize."

He Peng laughed and said so what to Yibo and Yibo clenched his fist. He Peng watching lose his restraint sat beside Yibo and smirked.

Before Yibo and his friend realised 5 man with big body tied their hands and put them on their knees. Kneeling in front of He Peng Yibo clenched his fist hard. He Peng laughed.

" Look at how hopeless you are Yibo!! Give him the pill then let them go!"

After saying that the 5 man forced Yibo to swallowed a pill and let them go. Once again He Peng laughed hard.

"Wang Yibo... Wang Yibo.... good luck!!!"


"Ohhh really than I gotta hide...ahhh help me I'm scared hahahahah you think I'm scared of you bastard.. let go!!"

He Peng went away leaving Yibo who felt hotter than usual.

"Yibo are you okay?!!"

"Bring me home!!"

And they left the club. Wang Yibo friends felt something wrong to Yibo but Yibo insist that he's okay.

With a messy hair ,sweat all over his face and wet shirt he went to his apartment trying to open the door but before he finished entering the password someone already opened it from inside. He's breathing became unstable and more sweat dampening his shirt.

' Zhan?! Fuck I forgot!!'

"Bo?!! Are you okay?!"

And with that Yibo last rope of  restraining broke off. Pulling Zhan to his room after closing the door and pushing Zhan to the bed hovering over him pinning both Zhan hand above his head.

"Yibo wh...what you doing?!"

"I want you!!"



Yeah hi guys sorry late update I was watching Attack on Titan from season 1 I can't wait for season 4 part 2.

Also did anyone watch The Founder of diabolism final chapter.. I feel pity on Jiang Cheng thou but he so cute with his hair down•∆•

Okok next chapter will be 18++ so anyone under 18 please don't read.. I don't like hate comment.

Also for those waiting for BrightWin they'll be appeared in chapter 13 after five years of Zhan leaving Yibo. Since chapter 11 is underrated only for 18+ and chapter 12 is about Yibo after being left by Zhan so BrightWin will appear on Chapter 13 not just them there's also a special guest.

Please give me your name or your favorite gay idol for special guest on private message or on comment. And give what role do you want to be if you give your name e.g Yibo friends, bartender or something else.

Please do it or else I won't update unless one or two of my reader give a name or favourite idol of course gay couple. I always promise what I said.

Silent reader I Know you don't want to vote this story but I hope you comment. I want to know your opinion. Because I starting to lose hope to continue this book. I know my books is not like other writer book but I really want to know if I'm doing a good job or not.

I'm sorry 😔 too much and for those who vote thanks I appreciate it.


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