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"WHAT?!!" Yelled Zhan when Yibo mention about sex.

" there will be no sex between us!! Don't be stupid WANG YIBO!! You can have sex with anyone but NOT ME!!!!" Said Zhan pushing Yibo away from him.

"Pfft!! Hahahahahah.....!!" Yibo laughing at Zhan speech holding his stomach. Zhan glared at him.

" It's not funny okay!!" Zhan said looking at Yibo with eagle eyes.

"Okay..okay I lose you win... But Zhan please just this once let me send you home.." pleading Yibo with puppy eyes holding Zhan arm like a kid want a candy.

Zhan look at him in disgust.

"Fine....just today!! No tomorrow... no and no.... understand!!" Said Zhan to Yibo with a glared.

"Ok Babe!" Said Yibo happily. He looked at Zhan like a baby who's just got his milk.

Zhan glared at him. Yibo scratch his nape when Zhan glared him.

Yibo got up to his motorcycle and signed Zhan to ride at the back.

Zhan slowly getting at the back of the motorcycle while holding Yibo shoulder. Yibo smirked at Zhan.

Zhan who's seeing his smirk pinch Yibo waist.

"Don't you dare to bring faster!!" Warned Zhan while Yibo rub his waist that has been pinch by Zhan.

"Yes Sir!"

"Go now!"

"Okay.... hold on tight"


"What do you want again sir?!"

"Slowly okay..I don't want to died virgin.."

Yibo laughing so hard at Zhan.

"I don't know that you're STILL virgin!!"

"Shut up.. now move!"

"Aighhht sir!"

And Yibo start to move while on the road Yibo keep teasing Zhan.

"Stop teasing me Wang Yibo!!"

"Why don't you just come to my house and we gonna do something on my bed... and you moaning loudly.. begging me to fuck you..Hard... faster...ahhhh Yibo...I want more... don't stopped... hahahaha"

Zhan turning red with Yibo teasing him about sex. So he chose to ignore Yibo.

But Yibo keep on teasing him making him to feel angry.


With that Yibo stopped teasing him and focused on the road.

' He's scary...but everyone will scared of him.. he's a bunny outside but inside he is a lion.. what am I going to do with my heart? Xiao take my breath away the moment I saw...'

"Hey what are you day dreaming about?!! Focused okay.. " said Zhan waking up Yibo from his day dreaming.

"Yes baby...I will!"

"Shut up!!"

And Yibo laugh and smile all the way to Zhan house.


Sorry for the late update guys. And sorry if this chapter is not satisfied your interest.

Next chapter will be next week.. thank you for supporting me.

Tyrmie ❤✨

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