Chapter 16

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'Ok meet you at the cafe, Love you'

With a smile you ended the call without waiting for his reply.

You were nervous at the moment to say that but you were so happy to feel this feeling called love. It was a new thing to you but it also kind of didn't feel new rather it felt like a mysterious hearty feeling that was completely unexplainable.

You internally scolded yourself for been an idiot to have been missing this wonderful experience of love but despite it all, you were grateful that even if it was for a moment you got to experience this feel and not only that but the luck of experiencing it with the one your heart beats for.

'Without a doubt it was clear that you were loved'

You happily ransacked your bag and even ended up turning your wardrobe upside down. You were on an important quest of finding the perfect outfit that will be honorable enough to wear on this special day when you get to have your first ever official date.

It was this very point in time that every cloth seems worthless and less appealing but as always there is always the perfect wear meant for every perfect occasion and today was no different. You found the dress for you but due to some little funfair you had two days ago you couldn't wear it.

'The hickeys remember? I bet you wouldn't have forgotten so soon' (OMG don't mind me, ok back to the book)

"Gosh that damn Yoongi" You muttered cursing under your breath.


Meanwhile the boys were so adamant on finding the hidden truth behind Yoongi's questionable and mysterious behavior lately.

"Where the heck is he going?" Jin who was currently at the drivers seat asked when he saw the yellowish car make a left turn.

Yoongi who was damn oblivious to the movements happening around him continued on his little trip. His physical body was driving the car but his mental and spiritual being were all calling for you. His main focus were all on you.

A/N: When you are driving your main focus should be on the road and nowhere else.... Safety first!

He made a right turn and pulled over when the GPS tracker signaled him that he was there.

You purposely picked a cafe cited far away from your residence, school. It was kind of the outskirt part of Seoul but it somehow wasn't.

"Hope i am in the right place?" He self asked himself looking round the area to verify he was truly at the right place.

To clear your worries, this wasn't any shabby cafe actually it was classic.The environment itself gave it a chilaxing and peaceful aura, the view was damn great. 

A cafe in the midst of nature...

You had a reputation to uphold, like it is not in you to go for shabby and cheap things. You are too classic for that.... So when you say something is good be rest assured that it is fabulous.

'In the Car'

The boys pulled over two blocks away from Yoongi quietly observing his every move from the car where the were all squeezed in to get the clear sighting of what was happening.

"What is he doing in this lonely part of Seoul?" Jimin asked drained in curiosity.

"Forget about that, who is waving at him over there?" Namjoon suddenly said pointing at the blurry being drawing closer to the followed male.

"What? Where?"

"Over there by the right side" He pointed at the being once again.

"Jae?" Taehyung murmured but eventually shook his head thinking it was his eyes deceiving him.

'It can't be true or is it already true'

"Whoa that looks like a girl image" Hoseok said a little bit in doubt of his sighting.

"Look is an understatement, come on dude there's no doubt that's a girl" Jungkook loudly voiced out still shock from what he was seeing.

"Guy's over h-here they are kissing" Jin shouted when Yoongi placed a soft kiss on your lips. 

The boys were all bangtanshocked as the watch this unbelievable scenario capture in their very presence.

"Is this real or are my day dreaming?"

"Did Yoongi just publicly show affection to this random girl?"

"I don't think she is just some random girl" Tae said getting all eyes fixated on him to speak up "I mean she does look familiar but i think is that mysterious girl Yoongi keeps talking about"

"Daebak! This can't be happening...."

'Outside the car'

"You look pretty today" He said softly placing a kiss on your lips.

"Well reality check, i look drop gorgeous everyday in case you don't know" You huffed and looked away.

"I know, you are the hottest and prettiest girl in the universal" He said side holding your hand "But why cover my art work?"

You turned and gave him the 'wtf' look.You have been looking for every medium to show him that you were angry on how he designed your neck without thinking twice causing you not to wear the dress you wanted to wear.

"You really want to hear my opinion about that ?" Your voice was poker enough to show your mood.

"Nope am not ready to face your nagging self" 


"But i did a good job did-" He stopped immediately when your eyes met this. "I won't talk again" He made a motion of him zipping his mouth

​​​​​​​​​​​​"Come on let's get out of here" You said reaching out for his hand.

"What about the cafe?"

"We will come back later, this weather is so chilly enough for sight seeing and we don't have to worry about anyone seeing us"  

He nodded his head and took your hand pulling you out of the side wall. Your flowing spirits were both filled with laughter leaving you both ignorant of what was happening.

"Jae!" A very familiar voice snapped you both out of your trance state bringing you back to reality.

You both slightly turned sideways meeting the greatest shock ever.

There stood them.... The very six familiar eyes you see everyday.

"W-what is going on here?" Tae asked so seriously eyeing you both up.

Your mouths were both shuts, this wasn't what you were expecting. Is like going to a battlefield not prepared.

Yes, you knew this day must surely come but why now? It came earlier than you least expected.

"Hyung! What's this? No you two can't be dating.... This is just a friendly outing, right? But why did you kis-" The boys eyes widened as realization strucked them really hard.

​​​"Don't tell me that Jae and the mystery girl you have been crushing on are the same person"

Your lips were pursed in a thin line indirectly giving them the answer they were afraid of hearing.

"Is not true, right?

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