Chapter 13

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Today have been a stressful one and all you wanted at this point was getting home or anywhere far away from the multiple questions that kept trooping in all day long.

You opened the door and quietly walked in to avoid drawing attention to yourself.The light were all off except that of the passage way you turned on.

You threw off your bag to god's know where and tiredly slumps on the chair. Thinking no one was home yet, you sluggishly laid there like a lump of wood.

"You are home?" You suddenly spranged up and got all riled up when a deep voice chipped from behind.

"Who is there?"  You weren't able to register the voice in time, so scared is the perfect word to describe your state now.

"Calm down Jae is me" The lights suddenly went on revealing the blond male standing there all dressed in black.

'or more like the stunning angel in black...'

On sighting him you heaved a sigh of relief and slumped back to the couch trying to calm your nervous self.

"Sorry did i scared you" A look of worry was pestered on his face as he draws closer to you.

"A little but no worries" You said resting your head back on the couch.

"Sorry, i didn't me to"

"Is nothing Yoongi, am ok!" You gave him a sincere smile assuring him of your safety.

He led out a nod and made his way to the couch and closely sat beside you.

You closed your eyes rubbing your temple and a heavy sigh left your mouth attracting the action of the pale guy beside you.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked worriedly sitting uprightly.

You sat up and weakly nodded your head; "Yeah am fine just tired"

"Are you sure? Do you need anything? I can get it for you"

"Am really fine" 

You rested your head back at the couch giving him the more reason that you aren't ok.

"Are you hungry?" He asked worriedly again

"Yeah a little but i feel like sleeping now"

"Sleep? This is merely eight and you want to sleep in already.... What the hell are you?" You looked at the person nagging  you for wanting to sleep in early when he is the father of dream world.

"Is that really coming from you?" You asked looking at him with surprised eyes.

You rolled your eyes and laid back on the couch when cat suddenly caught his tongue.

Sorry i didn't tell you guy's earlier but you see this guy he is the grand master of dream world. He can sleep and resleep for Asia and that's of the things that makes him so lovable. I didn't want to say this but don't wake him up when he's asleep or..... I didn't say anything. 

"Ani (No) This won't do!" He said and suddenly spranged up to his feet startling you up.

You looked at him weirdly as he showcases this crazy side of him.

"Are you ok?" You bounced back the question he asked you minutes ago because right now he was acting like a psycho guy.

"Come on Jae!" He pulled you up to your feet's handling you your coats.

"What are you doing Yoongi?"

"Let's go out! You need to go out and feel the breath of fresh air instead of lazily sleeping here"

"Say that to someone who isn't tamed as the lazy one and i don't feel like going out, i want to sleep" He smiled at your little whinny act.

"Yeah, yeah i know but i want to go out"

"Then go by yourself"

"No will do! I want you to accompany me, Come on let's go" He grabbed your wrist and started pulling you to the door.

"I don't want to go out, I want to sleep" You continued whining but he wasn't having it

He dragged you out of the house but not forcefully because you too wanted to go out with him but mindfully pretending not to like the idea or should i say you were playing hard to get.

His hands were fairly wrapped around yours as you both made a walk down to the Han river.

The weather was very soothing as the cold night breeze calmy revolves round and slowly filled the environment with it's cool aura. It was relaxing and a perfect way of comfortation.

"Daebak this is so good" You smiled breathtakingly letting the coldness hit your nostrils.

"Yeah it feels good.... I told you it will be great" You slightly rolled your eyes as you quickly watch him as he plays the 'I told you' Card.

"This is so cool but it's bad i haven't been here at night with anyone aside from Taehyung and Jae" You said partly focused on the conversation and watching the awesome view that Seoul city intakes.

" I can't believe you are missing out on things like this, when it is freely opened to everyone "

"I can't just come here alone,i mean this place is specially made for couples and family unions. What do you expect the likes of me who haven't dated anyone before?"

A wave of laughter escaped his mouth as he found your response cute.

"Really? Whoa Ri-jin is truly right all this while about you not dated anyone before... Seriously i am really better than you in things like this, I can attest to have been here with up to ten people and three are girls"

"Yeah you can go ahead and brag all you want" You huffed and tried hiding the jealousy boilng inside of you like a volcano ready to erupt.

"Am seriously Jae, the boys can attest to it too"

"Yeah i already get it, why don't you have an amazing get together with all your girlfriends instead of been here with me" The jealousy was slowly escalating bit by bit.

"That's not what i mean-!"

​​​​​"We already know that you have battalions of girls in your list, you don't need to sound a warning bell again" You crossed your hands with a puffed cheek

"Haha Jae don't tell me you are jealous" He couldn't contain his laughter when he understood the handwriting in the wall.

"Go ahead and laugh all you want, they are not better than me or you wouldn't have proposed to me instead"   

"Min Jae you are so funny..."

"Since i am so funny maybe my intention of saying Yes is not needed.... Well you can go and date other girls" You scoffed and turned away walking down in a different direction.

"W-what did you say? You want to do what... say yes ? Is that a Yes ?" Realization strucked him as he registers the words that lept out from your mouth. "Jae wait up, i swear is really not what you think it is" 

He aimlessly ran after you but you weren't saying those words again because that was your own style of accepting him.

Unknowingly you guys slowly made another bold step to the begining of your love story.

It takes a moment to hate someone but it takes a life time to love someone and you can proudly say 'am slowly getting there'

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