"No, see. If I wouldn't be this emotional, I wouldn't be so attached to those people and this entire situation wouldn't affect me this much.", I explained. Fifi reached to my cheek and wiped away a tear while making me look at her. 

"You are not stupid for having feelings.", she said with a determined voice. "You shouldn't feel bad about your feelings. Feelings are great. People just aren't. If they don't want your love, fine. Their loss. You are amazing and such a kind person. I know you would never treat people like this and this makes you so much better than any of those idiots. They don't deserve you."

"You're the sweetest.", I answered and gave her a weak smile. 

"No you are.", she responded and smiled at me. "You know it's okay to feel like this right now. But I know you'll bounce back from it pretty quickly. You're the strongest person I know."

"Thank you. You're the best." I pulled her into a tight hug, which was much needed from my side. When we pulled away, she looked at me with determined eyes. 

"We should make sure your management doesn't have any power over you anymore.", my best friend proposed and I got interested. 

"What do you mean?", I asked back. 

"Well, didn't you tell me they have access to your social media?"

"Yea, they do.", I admitted but still didn't really know what Fifi wanted to go to. 

"We should change the passwords right now, so they can't access it anymore." Fifi smiled at me proudly and I smiled back. 

"Amazing. Let's do it.", I agreed and gave her my phone. She knew I had set up a Face ID lock-in for her so she didn't have problems entering my Instagram and change the password. She also knew my old password. 

"What do you want it to change it to?", she then asked me and I thought about it for a second. 

"I don't know. But it should be something they can't easily find out.", I answered. 

"What about 'leavemealone4<3'?", Fifi proposed and I laughed out loud. How the hell did she just come up with that?

"What does it stand for?", I asked back and a smile grew on Fifi's lips.

"Well, it's pretty obvious what leave me alone stands for. And the four and the heart is for Lando, obviously." I inhaled the air and rolled my eyes playfully, but I couldn't stop a smile from forming on my lips.

"Alright, sounds good to me.", I agreed and we both laughed as she set up the new password. 

"Alright, you're all set up.", Fifi said and then looked back at me. 

"Wha about everything else? YouTube? Facebook?", I asked her as I thought about it.

"As I set, everything is set up. You don't need to worry anymore.", Fifi explained and gave me my phone back. Well, more like she dropped it in front of my legs. 

"Thanks.", I said. 

"You know what you should do next?", my best friend then asked me and I shook my head no. "You should post a story or something. Saying that something had happened and that that's the reason you're out of the public for some days. Say that you need some time to figure things out."

"I don't know. Management will be pissed about that.", I hesitated.

"Good. They should be stressed and pissed about it. You're pissed at them about what they did. And you're not specifically saying what happened. You're only saying that you'll be out of public for some days to figure things out. Then you can still decide if you want to make things public."

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now