Six - The Meeting

Start from the beginning

I'm still thinking about the X Factor so I don't properly hear his words. I give him a funny look, "Sorry what? I don't think I heard you correctly."

He laughs, "Asha sweetie, I want to sign you. I'm here to officially ask you myself if you want to sign on with my company as a female artist." 

I'm frozen in shock. I can't move. I can't speak. Mum nudges me, "Say something Asha." 

I snap out of it. That explains her smile earlier on. I stare at Simon, "You're serious? I'm not being Punk'd or anything?" 

"No you're not being Punk'd Asha. I'm completely serious. I want to sign you on as a female artist. This isn’t something I do often, I was looking back through your Audition tapes and I see something in you I guess Demi didn’t. You have what it takes to be a star and I want to capitalise on that while I can. So what do you say?”

My eyes go wide and soon I'm jumping on him for a hug when he stands up, "I say yes! A big, fat yes!" 

"Well that's good. I have a contract already set up so if you come with your Lawyer to my office in Los Angles we can have it settled and you can get straight to work with us because I want your first single released as soon as possible." 

The feelings inside me are overwhelming and next thing I know I'm crying tears of joy and hugging Mum and Simon and then Mum again. Simon laughs, "Glad to know you're excited. I'll have my people call you to set up a time and date." He stops me from jumping around by putting his hands on my shoulders, "And Asha? I'm going out on a limb here by signing you so I expect a lot of hard work.”

I shake my head until it's on the brink of falling off, "I will work harder than anyone else." 

He smiles, "I know. And I chose you because I like your style and I love the sound of your voice, despite what Demi said I actually do think there's room for you in the industry. With a little bit of work you'll be a well acclaimed artist in no time."

"Thank you." I manage to say, "You don't know how much this means to me."

"Yes well don't let me down." He says with a stern glance. "Now tell whoever you need to and get ready, because you're coming to Hollywood." 

I shake all around from excitement before giving him one last hug and a couple more thank you's. Mum eventually drags me off him and lets him leave after thank you's of her own. We're both crying tears of happiness when she pulls me into a hug. It’s a nice hug. A hug full of new futures and old memories.


After telling my family and my three closest friends and going to a celebratory dinner, I'm completely tired after the events of the day. I'm in a much happier mood and going to sleep comes easy. 

In the morning, Mum says I don't need to go to school especially after getting a call from Simon's assistant saying our appointment is the next day. Mum lets the whole family stay home but after a few hours it proves a bad idea because Mum has gone crazy obsessive, making sure we're all ready for tomorrow. Eventually Finn and I successfully sneak out. We grab our short boards and go for a surf even though it's not really my thing. When we're sitting out in a break in the waves Finn looks at me nervously, "So what happens now sis?" 

"I have no idea." I reply honestly, "I guess I sign some sort of contract and then start on my Music career, recording and stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if I have to stay up in LA." 

"So I'm never going to see you?" 

I flick water at him, "Is this Finn Carson actually showing emotion? I'm impressed. Of course you'll see me; I'm not going to disappear completely."

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