Chapter 24 - The Princess Proposal

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Ares Palace,
Present Day

"I don't think we should hear this, princess," Alastair warned anxiously.

Jill managed to find a gap in the room where she could put her ear to and hear the conversation between Goddess Hera and her husband, though faintly. Jill had missed most of their discussion. But the girl kept trying to hear the rest of their conversation.

"If Ares finds out—"

"Relax, Ares just told us to wait.. that doesn't mean we can't eavesdrop," Jill said. She tossed her beautiful hair to the side to make it easier to hear. Alastair just shrugged and sighed.

"Whatever the reason, you broke the rules, Ares!" Goddess Hera said.

"She's just a human..she will not return to Sparta and live forever on Olympus. After all, many Titans live to mingle with humans and even marry them. Why can't I?"

"Because they don't live on Olympus. All the secrets of the Titans are here, Ares!"

"Not all,"

"Yeah, but mostly."

"She's only human, what kind of damage can she do? Why are you so angry with me? I've done more mischief than this. Why now?"

"You're in a difficult position now, Ares. Athena is after you. She hopes you fall."

"Then? what's new?"

"This time, Zeus seriously thought about punishing you. You could lose your god title, Ares." Hera looked at her son's face sternly.

"That's an exaggeration! All I did was marry a human and take her to olympus..doesn't he remember how many dozen humans he's slept with during his time as a god?"

"Watch your mouth Ares! Zeus has weakened!"

"What do you mean?"

"Zeus is thinking of stepping down from his position, and choosing one of his children to replace him for leading the Titans," Hera said again a little quietly. It was indeed not information that could be easily shared with anyone. Hera shouldn't even talk about it.

"What?, is he serious?" .Ares was surprised and confused.

"It's possible, this is also the first time I've heard of him intending to." Hera sighed.

"Then why are you talking to me about this? Don't tell me you think I have a chance to—"

"Yes, Ares. You have a are the only child I gave birth to from my relationship with Zeus. If indeed one of Zeus' children will take his place, I hope it will be you." Hera said seriously.

Ares laughed at Goddess Hera's words.

"I guess you haven't forgotten how the people of Olympus view me, Goddess Hera..there is Hermes who always faithfully obeys Zeus' orders, there is Dionysius who often behaves straight and Apollo who is popular among the Titans. I won't stand a chance."

The goddess got up and touched her son's shoulder while looking into his eyes through her clear yet wise eyes.

"To be a leader, strength and loyalty are needed. It's not a popularity contest, but think about it. The strongest candidate is probably Athena..You really don't want your sister to take the lead do you? So think about it, Ares. Athena hates you, she won't make your life easy if she is the leader. I'm saying this because I care about you." Goddess Hera explained.

"I'm grateful, but I won't have any reaction to it at this time." Ares responded as if he didn't care.

Dewi Hera sighed and folded her arms.

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