Chapter 7 - The Envoy

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"Greetings, Princess of Sparta, my name is Alastair. I am here to pick you up." A young man in a red robe bowed respectfully before Jill. Alastair had black hair with a pretty handsome outline. like the clothes of the Greek knights, the young man wore leather pants with an exposed upper body. He carried a bow and arrow and a sword sheathed in deerskin.

Alastair came with two horse-drawn carriages full of treasures. Scrolls of high quality silk from Libya, jeweled swords and daggers, beautiful jewels, gold coins and some marble statues. These were all wedding gifts from the God of War to the King of Sparta.

She bowed back to Alastair, but the corners of her eyes glanced at her brothers and sisters who couldn't hide their delight at seeing the pile of treasures. They laughed and some shamelessly approached the horse carriage curious about its contents.

"Watch your attitude, they are messengers of the God of war!" The King of Sparta rebuked softly. He seemed unfazed by the treasure, all he thought about was Portia. No amount of wealth will be able to replaced his beloved daughter.

Jill fingered the silver bracelet on her left wrist. It was a gift that Ares supposedly gave her through the vulture that broke through the palace yesterday. She didn't expect that Ares's envoy would arrive so soon. They had came in two chariots and had entered the gates of the Spartan palace less than half an hour ago.

They only consist of five people. Four men with mercenary-like appearances. And a woman with dark brown hair in a similar outfit. Jill initially suspected that the messenger of god Ares would have a unique physique like a centaur or satyr. Her suspicions were ran high, but the gifts they brought were bountiful. Jill doubted that any wealthy aristocrat in Greece could afford such an expensive wedding gift.

She certainly couldn't persuade the envoys with the meager gold in her pocket. Because if they wanted to, they could just steal the war god's gift and run away.

In addition, the tame vultures she had met yesterday were also with them. That was one thing that was slightly unique about the messengers. They brought the pet bird of the god Ares.

"What do you have to do with the God of war? I thought he'd come for me himself." Jill in her Portia form asked innocently. however they was going to take someone's daughter away, Jill felt it would be rude to just bring a messenger.

The Queen of Sparta hastily tugged on the girl's clothes to warn.

"Watch your mouth my daughter, this is the messenger of Ares we met. ares is the God of Olympus who cannot possibly lower his status and set his majestic foot on human land." Her mother whispered angrily.

"I am a demigod, one of the relatives of the Great God Ares. We are his followers and warriors." Alastair explained. He had purposely ignored Jill's question about why her future husband had not come to pick her up.

Demigod he said, Jill immediately realized again the nature of the gods of Olympus who like to go around. They are often told to sow seeds everywhere, both fellow gods and non-eternals (mortals). The child of the marriage of a god and a mortal is called a demigod.

Jill was familiar with some of the famous Greek demigods such as Hercules or Perseus. alastair may have been just one of the lesser known demigods, or his role was not yet significant enough to be worthy of inclusion by poets in their rhymes.

The gods came to the women they like and made love with them. Women who gave birth to divine children were usually not despised. Quite a number of demigods, even though born from illegitimate relationships, could become kings, queens or war heroes.

But demigods were not common in Greece. No one can really confirm it. they could not go to Olympus and force the gods to confessed that they had impregnated their daughter. Jill could see that the whole palace was now whispered between fear and amazement at his confession. Not one but five people. One of them claimed to be a demigod, but what about the other?

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