Chapter 20 - His Pride and Anxiety

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It was still late spring, the weather was sunny but not too hot. Usually Ares would go to the field to beat up some of his soldiers. But this time he just lay half-sitting on a luxuriously carved cot in his cottage. The location was by the lake, and as usual none of his servants or courtiers dared to approach.

The place was a witness to his eternal life which was always hot and vibrant. Not only Aphrodite who had made love with him there, but dozens of other women who were no less beautiful. If he visited his human lover outside of Olympus, then only lovers from among the Titans he had ever brought to that place.

Ares was a domineering person, who likes to guide his lovers as he pleases. He knows how to make them comfortable and trusts him. Then let him dominate their souls and bodies until their hearts are addicted to him.

There was a certain satisfaction in him, when he conquers the women who interest him. He's also not a complete jerk either because even though he often flirts with different women—he made sure that he didn't hook up with more than one woman at a time. Except for Aphrodite.

The beauty goddess didn't care, even though she knew Ares was in another relationship. Ares was hers, her property and her allies. There was a kind of unwritten contract that made Ares almost always powerless to refuse her. Therefore he always told his lovers that they should be ready to see him spend the night with Aphrodite and share him.

But Ares couldn't say that to Portia—the Princess of Sparta who had only been his wife for a few days. The girl, did not work with his approach. There was something about her that was strange and different. It was as if she was not part of the women living in Greece.

Was it because she had been secluded by her father all her life? That's why her behavior was a little unique and often confuses him?

She slept on the floor, she was reluctant to spend the night in the same bed as the war god on their first night. That was not normal behavior for a woman. Moreover, she was a princess. Generally if they were not comfortable—they'll go on all night without speaking. at least they tried to tell him.

But the girl, decided to immediately pile up the pillows on the floor and continued to sleep without saying anything. It was as if she didn't think of Ares as a husband, let alone a lover. At least she had to remember that he was the god of war.

Instead of being angry, Ares was disappointed in himself. The girl, being obedient and sweet from the first time they met. Ares thought he could understand her. He thought he had read her attitude and knew how to control her heart.

Confused, Ares said things he shouldn't have said. He said he no longer wanted to share the bed with his mortal wife. He did it because his pride was disturbed.

He couldn't guess Portia's behavior. Yet all this time he was proud to admit that he was the ultimate lover worshiped by his lovers—except for Aphrodite.

They had not slept in the same room for three days. But Ares decided not to talk about it and was sweet as usual. Smiling and asking how She was. they were also still eating at the same table and Ares learned a lot of new things from his wife.

He befriends Hadreda the centaur. Something that surprised him again. Because his lovers who had lived in his palace usually always focused on him alone. they never cared about other residents.

But the silver-haired girl immediately looked for friends.

Rumors had been heard that she was secluded and very shy. But now she laughs with his soldiers at dinner. She told jokes that cause laughter without diminishing her elegance as a princess. Ares could see that the palace dwellers liked him. The Princess of Sparta was probably the only lover to receive such treatment. They often hated lovers of the war god, including Aphrodite.

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