Chapter 17 - The Banquet

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This was their first dinner. It was also their first official meeting as a couple. Ares chose his palace hall whose floors were covered in shiny marble as their banquet area.

The god of war told the Satyr to place a long table made of shiny volcanic rock. Jill sat there next to her husband who occasionally looked at his wife curiously.

Jill was not sure if they're really married right now. Ares referred to her as his wife even though they had never exchanged rings or walked the altar. She also didn't know what wedding rituals were like in ancient Greece? Right now she was worried about many things. After this what will happen?

Portia was completely dressed by the nymphs. She wore a golden silk dress and lavish jewellery. A musk-scented perfume was also splashed on her body, Jill guessed it was Ares' favorite fragrance.

She made sure Portia's body was politely covered. A thin shawl was attached to cover her chest area. No matter how common skimpy clothes were worn by the women around her, She didn't want to flaunt Portia's body easily.

Still, She was very beautiful. The moonlight that penetrated gently into the spacious room hit her white skin, making it seem as if she was gleaming.

Satyrs and nymphs began to arrive a lot, carrying many dishes in their hands. Jill saw that most of the dishes were predominantly red meat. There was a whole deer baked in rosemary, and a large bowl of potatoes and vegetables cooked in butter.

Chewing it made Jill have to use extra effort. The meat was tough and lightly seasoned, but the people around it seemed to enjoy eating it. Jill felt full quickly, the whole meal was very different from what she used to eat during her life as Jill Adelaide.

Jill was a foodie, no matter how busy she was as an actress, she made sure her tongue only tasted good quality food. The girl also often cooks for herself and makes it a hobby.

Now that Jill had confirmed that she would be staying at Ares's castle for a long time, should she go down to the kitchen and cook for herself? Because she felt her stomach would not be able to digest such bland food every day.

"Are you done eating? That's all?" Ares glanced at her in surprise.

Jill, who was still afraid to see the face of God, just nodded silently. That person was very close to her. The scent of his masculine body wafted faintly, briefly breaking her focus. It looks like Ares uses a blend of musk and sandalwood essential oils.

"Hey, look at me. Isn't there something you want to ask your husband?" Ares looked impatient to find her wife who was passive.

"Sorry, as far as I know it's not good to talk while eating." Jill responded in a small voice.

"Ha? Where did that rule come from? It looks like Sparta has a strange habit at their dinner table," Ares protested.

Ares was right, Jill knew nothing about the dining etiquette of the ancient Greek royal family. The era was still considered primitive, in contrast to the more modern medieval times. Maybe dinner activities in the royal family are more flexible as they are today.

Jill could see Ares's subordinates eating with them in the same room. They chatted, joked and laughed. They ate voraciously and devoured all the bland food without any leftovers. Their way through this dinner was quite messy but fun.

"How should I address you, Lord Ares?" Jill ventured to ask.

"No need to speak formally to me, just call me Ares. And your name is Portia right?"

"Yeah, I'm Portia," Jill found it odd because it wasn't her real name.

"Just calling you Ares? No need for 'your highness Ares' or 'Lord Ares'?" The girl confirmed carefully.

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