Chapter 10 - His Eternal Rival

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The sky was still dark, Ares relied on the rays of the stars and moon to lit his way. He met his lover Aphrodite in some city that was also inhabited by humans. Most humans wouldn't think that there was a real god who roamed there.

The only noticeable difference between gods and humans was that they were usually physically more attractive. The humans thought that the gods were nobles and wealthy landlords or relatives of kings who had enough money to bought expensive food and clothes.

They weren't always stayed on Olympus. Their race are scattered throughout Greece and even in other countries. They are called Titans, with Zeus as their leader. The Titans formed their own communities and mingled with fellow Titans. Sometimes they also interacted with humans and behaved like ordinary civilians.

The Titans either became Oracles, blacksmiths or farmer. It was not uncommon for Titans to married humans and had children from them. But usually they tend to avoid.

Titans can't really mingled with humans. Because they are immortal beings who cannot age. They kept their secrets well for thousands of years. Zeus also ordered to place all the artifacts and technology of the Titans on Olympus mountains which was heavily guarded with layers of protection. He didn't allow the human race to know their secret

The appearance of gods among humans is not always depicted as dramatic and majestic. Humans may often pass by them without knew their identity. Like now, Ares rode his gallant horse calmly.

He wore a suit of armor made of wild bullskin similar to that of mercenary knights in Greece. His head was covered with a helmet. He carried a sword and spear behind his back which was never far from him. It wasn't that he wanted to dress up as a war god. Ares had to face danger almost every day. Because he had many enemies.

Herion—his black horse's name— was actually a special horse. He had the blood of the Akhal Teke horse from Turkmenistan who was famous for being tough. But it was also over fifty years old and when it opened its mouth— they could see sharp fangs lined there. Herion ate meat and hated vegetables.

Ares often used it to killed monsters that try to attacked him. As a god, Ares didn't really liked to use his god power to fight. He liked sword arts. He liked throwing spears. He enjoyed the sensation of blood splashing profusely from the veins of every enemy he slashed. The swords and spearheads he carried were forged by the renowned Titan blacksmith.

Even so, Ares always hoped that Hephaestus would made a new sword for him. He was the best blacksmith in the world—befitted his title as the god of volcanoes and blacksmiths.

Unfortunately, they hadn't really greeted each other for thousands of years. Because his wife Aphrodite, having an affair with Ares.

Herion outruns any horse born on a human farm. Even the wild Akhal Teke horse could not matched it. It was almost morning, Ares had arrived at the foot of Mount Olympus. Here human settlements are rare. Because humans who walked too deep into Olympus will not returned alive.

But not only humans are wary when entering Olympus. Even he had to be careful. because he can ran into a monster that guarded Olympus. Sometimes they were not very good at choosed its victims.

His vision was getting darker because the thick leaves in the forest of Olympus had covered the moonlight. But he had been on that road for thousands of years so it didn't matter to him.

Herion's pace stopped because Ares suddenly saw something and pulled the reins.

In front of him at this time, there was a bull. That was Bull monster that related to the Minotaur. Except, that thing was not very smart and had three horns. Even so its strength was not a joke. He could knocked down a hundred year old oak tree with just a single jolt.

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