𝙭𝙭𝙞𝙞𝙞. lazy love

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February, 1993

❝ I want to show a
different side of myself, I'm
tired of hiding. ❞

The smell of rain was fresh in the air. A crisp morning seemed to be the perfect gentle aftermath after a raging storm. Thick lulls of light grey clouds blanketed the sky, while rain trickled down the brick buildings, causing for the sound of splattered water to vibrate off the roof and window stills. Despite the cold, serene weather that was pillowing the wet city outside, in Devon Emmet's apartment, there was nothing but warmth.

Comfort, heat, love, the three words that defined every single intricacy that he felt. The aura that hugged and covered him was relaxing, it felt celestial, and after spending days wallowing in the dark pits of his mind, he could finally let go. He could surrender, to everything. His emotions, his impulses, and most importantly, he could surrender to her.

The things that Devon wanted most in the world were at his disposal. To dream, live and be in love with someone he thought the world of. And so, Devon Emmet surrendered, never overthinking or overcomplicating things, he just acted and reacted to everything he felt, and he never felt guilty about it.

The glass shower was foggy with pillars of steam, the loud, powered splatter of hot water hitting the tiles almost blocking out the heavenly sounds that were escaping Janet's sweet lips. Both Devon and Janet were closely wrapped in each other's musks, nakedly kissing and feeling each other under the spray of water.

Shower sex was inevitable, since it seemed that neither of them could let go of each other. The night prior, they finally opened up, exposing the rare, hidden forms of fear and reluctance that both of them kept hidden. But now, it was out in the open, and one thing lead to another, they just wanted to be one with one another.

As Devon stood there in the shower with the beautiful pop star, he didn't hold back. His hands felt on her smooth hips and the small of her back, occasionally grabbing her backside as he kissed and bit at her mouth. Her lips smoothly moved against his, each warm, wet breath that she exhaled was intoxicating.

His taller height made her seem so little against his frame, and for a moment he wanted to be gentle with her, fearing that any brash action could break her. But she was strong, fiery, with enough gusto to push back against Devon's heated rushes of lust. He didn't break her last night when they were roughly releasing all their pent-up energy on each other.

However, some part of him felt fearful, in utter disbelief. Was this real? Was she really there? Or was it another fantasy, and if he touches her, she'll just disappear? Thankfully, it wasn't the latter. He could tell, because she sighed and felt on him too, her voluptuous, wet body rubbing against his as her horniness began to spike.

𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐌 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 ▷ JANET JACKSON ¹Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant