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August, 1990

this isn't a date, dev! ❞

Devon was in higher spirits after his minimal—yet monumental—success with the lift. He felt slightly more confident in his endeavours going forward, even if he was unsuccessful in other aspects of his life. Romantically, Devon Emmet felt incredibly confused. After months of everyone saying he should give up his whimsical fantasy of one day sweeping Janet Jackson off her feet, the young man was almost starting to believe their advice—and he did mean almost.

Devon didn't think that it would take a nosy driver to motivate him to rebel against their wishes, but apparently, it did. Hence, the confusion. The young man didn't know if he should listen to the words of this strange limo driver, or follow the advice of the dozens of people telling him to forget about Janet.

Foolishly, the young man was actually considering doing the latter. The nights following the driver's advice, Devon spent many sleepless nights tossing and turning in his sweaty bedspreads, his mind boiling with ways to solve this issue. Forget about her, stupid! Devon violently tried to tell himself, as if it was the easiest thing in the world, to block her from his mind.

But that was just the thing, it wasn't easy, in fact, it was excruciatingly hard to rid Janet from his mind. Ever single quirk and feature of hers was ingrained in his brain, and he couldn't seem to shake away the butterflies that fluttered through his stomach whenever he looked or thought about her. So, Devon Emmet was confused and helpless, and he choose to block out his helplessness through hours of hard work.

However, even that couldn't seem to calm down his racing mind. So, Devon had no choice but to address his lovesick dilemma. The young man thought about the driver's words, about showing Janet his affection instead of making empty promises, and he dwelled on all the ways that he could show her how much she meant to him.

Only one answer came to his mind about making a grand romantic gesture—and that was a date. Of course, Devon knew that Janet would probably reject his offer, so he needed to be strategic about wooing her in the smoothest way possible.

One morning, when Devon walked into rehearsal, he squared his shoulders and held his head high, already spotting the dancers as they sat around chatting before practice started. His keen eyes nervously searched the room, his heart plummeting to his stomach once he saw Janet mingling in front of the food table.

Just go ahead and ask her, Devon thought, trying to amp himself up. Hesitantly, Devon walked forward and approached her, coyly tightening his hold around his bag strap that was slung around his shoulder. "Morning," Devon kindly said, chucking her a brightening smile. Janet glanced up at his voice, swallowing her chewed food so that she could return his sweet greeting.

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