"If you say it like this, it does sound like a good idea.", I agreed.

"Well, what are we waiting for then?", Fifi asked me excited. "I just hope you put him on speaker. I want to hear everything that he has to say." I pulled out my phone from the pockets of my pyjamas.

"But let me do the talking!", I told her and she nodded. I clicked onto the contact app and dialled Lucas's number. "I just hope he picks up. It's late in the US.", I added at the third beep. Fifi and I stayed silent after that.

"Hello? Tia?", Lucas picked up the phone after what felt like an eternity. There was music playing in the background of the phone call, which made my last bad consciousness of calling him this late disappear. He was partying, when I was crying and heartbroken at home. What a nice thought.

"Yea, hi.", I answered emotionlessly. A short period of silence hovered between us. I could hear the music getting quieter in the background. He must have left the club or room, wherever he was right now.

"Are you alright?", he asked me with a worried voice. "You didn't call or text me when you were supposed to arrive in London last night."

"Oh, yea. Sorry about that.", I said still without any emotions. My mind didn't know how I was supposed to react to his voice and fake worrying. "My family surprised me at my flat and took me out to dinner. I really didn't have time to text or call."

"Alright.", Lucas said elongated, as if he didn't believe me. "Are you alright though?" Silence settled in again. How the hell am I supposed to answer that? My eyes shut up to Fifi. She was looking at me reassuringly and I nodded.

"Not really.", I said and saw tears forming in my eyes. Not again.

"Why? What's up?" Lucas now sounded even more worried which confused and disgusted me even more.

"What's up? That's really what you ask?", I asked him now a little angry. The first few tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"Yes? Why wouldn't I? Tia, what is going on?" I inhaled a deep breath, then let the words flow out of me without any filter.

"What's going on is that you, my dear friend, are hired to be my fucking boyfriend."

Lucas stayed silent for another moment. I heard a door falling into a lock in the background. The music was now completely gone.

"Tia, look. It's not what you think.", Lucas tried to explain but I just didn't want to hear it.

"Lucas, look. Safe your explanation. I don't want to hear it. I mean, by God, it wouldn't be this big of a deal, if you would have been just honest with me from the start. We could have figured this out together before I fucking fell in love with you. We could have both been pretending from the start, you know. But I didn't know. And apparently, you don't care about me. If you would, you wouldn't have agreed to this stupid contract. You only care about yourself and your career. But I guess since both of our careers are on a very good way now, you don't need to pretend anymore. I'm done with you." I wanted to hang up, but Lucas's words held me back.

"No, Tia. You don't understand. I really do care about you.", he said and I inhaled while laughing.

"Yea, right.", I said and sniffled once. "And the earth is flat."

"No, really. I do care about you. And I love you. You know that, right?" Anger grew even bigger in me.

"Don't you dare say you love me. I know you don't. Don't lie to me even more. You've done that enough. And as I said, I am done. With this call and with you."

Without waiting for his next words this time, I hung up the call. I wiped away a tear with the back of my left hand and looked up at Fifi, who was standing in front of me with the pan in her hand. She pushed some of the eggs onto my plate.

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now