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-So Peter and his mother finally arrived at the park to meet Sophie and her mother. But right now, Peter was just a bit nervous about seeing Sophie again after not going to the school dance.

-But nevertheless, Peter really did hope that Sophie excepted his confession. Although they are children, he still really, really likes her. And he hopes she likes him back too.

-Anyways, Peter and his mother got of their car to see Sophie and her mom waiting over by the playground.

*Sophie notices Peter and runs up to go hug him.

"Peter!" She squeals as she finally gets to hug him.

"Hi Sophie!" Peter said while blushing like crazy.

*He then hugs her back and they look into each others eyes.

Sophie:"Wow! You haven't changed a bit!" She told him with a smile.

*Peter smiled as well.

Peter:"Well of course I haven't changed! It's only been a little bit since we've seen each other silly!" He told her whilst still blushing a little.

*The two children share a small laugh about the coincidence, when suddenly Sophie notices something hidden behind Peter's back.

Sophie:"Hmm. Hey Peter? What's that behind you?" She asked curiously.

*Peter then looks behind him to see what Sophie was talking about.

Peter:"Hm? What do you mean? I don't see anything." He tells her.

*Sophie giggles.

Sophie:"No! In your hand, silly boy!" She giggled.

*Peter then realized what Sophie meant and started to feel embarrassed.

Peter"Oh! You meant this! Oops." Peter said turning his head in embarrassment.

Sophie:"Oh it's fine. But what exactly is it though? Newspaper?" She asked curiously.

*Peter gulped nervously and proceeded to present to Sophie the letter.

Peter:"Um, h-here you go Sophie. It's for you." He said blushing a lot more.

*Sophie gasped at the kind gesture.

Sophie:"Wait. A letter for me? Aww thank you, Peter! You shouldn't have!" She told him before taking the letter and opening it.

-And so, Sophie opened the letter and read every word. But before she could ask Peter what the letter meant had already started walking back to his mother and Sophie's mom who were watching briefly from afar.

*When suddenly, he heard Sophie call out to him.

Sophie:"Huh? Peter! Peter wait! Hold on!" She said while running to catch up with him.

"Hm? Oh whats' up, Sophie?" He asked as he stopped walking.

Sophie:"You wouldn't leave without me saying thank you for the letter right?" She asked him.

Peter:"Oh no! My bad, I was just really nervous about how you'd react." He said while rubbing his arm.

Sophie:"Aww that's okay, Peter. But still. This is a great note. Thank you very much." She told him.

Peter:"Oh. Your welcome, Sophie." He said still blushing a lot.

Sophie:"Yeah. But one more thing though." She told him before re-opening the letter.

Peter:"Hm?" He responded.

Sophie:"Peter? What does 'butterflies in your stomach' mean?" She asked him while re-looking over the letter.

*Apparently that one part stood out to Sophie when she read it the first time. Peter stared at her.

Peter:"Oh yeah! Uh that....Um, that means.....it means..." He said trailing off a bit.

*Sophie stared back.

Sophie:"Peter?" She asked him.

*At this point, Peter couldn't hold it in any longer.

Peter:"It just means that I like you, okay?! I'm sorry!" He exclaimed.

*Peter then prepared himself for Sophie to hit him, but surprisingly, she didn't.

Sophie:"You...You like me? Wait like, really really?" She asked him.

*Peter gulped.

Peter:"Uh, yes?" He said while nervously rubbing his arm.

*From there Sophie didn't say anything else. She just smiled.

Peter:"I've always liked you, Sophie. But this time, probably not as a friend. Maybe.....maybe...." He trailed off once more.

*Sophie then spoke up.

Sophie:"Maybe....as a Girlfriend?" She said while starting to blush as well.

*Peter gasped and then began to stutter.

Peter:"Well, I mean, if you really want to, I mean uh-" He was then cut off by Sophie grabbing his hands.

Sophie:"Oh Peter. I'd like that." She told him as she pulled him into another hug.

-And from there, Peter had the greatest feeling in the world right now. Like, like he had just won an award for something.

-So was this it? Did Peter have his very first girlfriend??


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