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*Peter walks into the kitchen, only to see his mom cooking dinner. He sits down at the kitchen table and quietly thinks about what all he learned about Sophie. His mother then speaks up and asks him about his day.

"Peter honey, you seem a bit quiet today. Did you have fun at the park?" She asks him.

*Peter perks up at the sound of his mother's voice.

Peter:"Oh yes. I had fun at the park. Hey mom?" He starts.

"Yes dear?" she answers him.

Peter:"Did you know my friend was a girl?"

*She chuckles.

"Yes Peter, I knew. Why do you ask, sweetie?" She asks him.

*A small blush grows across the young boys face.

Peter:"Well, I recently found out for myself that my best friend isn't another boy, but a girl. Who's name is Sophie, and she's really nice."

*Peter's mother stopped cutting the vegetables on the counter to take a look at her son. Despite knowing Sophie for years now, and not just finding out that she was a girl, it's kind of bringing on some weird emotions onto Peter. His mother smiled.

"Oh Peter. You do know this doesn't have to change anything between you two, right? You can always stay friends just like normal." His mother said while walking over to the table to have a seat next to him.

*Peter thought for a moment.

Peter:"Well, yeah I know that, but still. Even though we are very good friends, I just find it so weird that I didn't even know she was a girl all this time." He told her as his blush grew a little bigger.

*Peter's mom looked at her son's expression. And from that, she kind of figured out what was going on.

"Oh I see. Peter honey? Do you like Sophie?" His mom asked placing calm hand on his shoulder.

Peter:"Um, yes? I Of course I like Sophie! We're best friends! I'm sure... It's just all so confusing. It feels like our friendship is missing something." Peter said blushing a bit more.

"Aww! I can't believe it! It's my little boy's first crush!" His mom squealed in delight.

*From there, Peter was flooded with confusion.

Peter:"Crush? Mom? What's a crush?" He asked his mother as his blush faded away.

"Oh. Well, a crush is when you have special feelings for someone you really care about. And you may not know it at first, but having a crush for the first time will fell like the best thing that's ever happened to you." She explained to him.

-Peter sat for a moment and thought about his mother's words. ''Special feelings''? Peter wasn't sure what she meant by ''Special Feelings", but he did know that wasn't going to let his best friend being a girl end their friendship.

Even if it's a little weird....

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