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-After school ended, all of the students recieved the same flyer that was posted on the wall in the hallway to take home to their parents, while getting theirs, Sophie and Peter looked at each other and smiled.

-Which meant for sure, that they were both and they were both going to go and have a good time.

-But on other terms, Sophie couldn't wait to go to the dance and Spen more time with her best friend. Peter was thinking the same way, plus he really wanted to see how Sophie would look in a dress.

**Time Skip 5 weeks later**

-5 weeks went by, and many of the kids asked their parents if they could go to the dance event at the school. But nevertheless Sophie's mom and Peter's mom thought it was a sure delight for their kids to attend the dance. But they kind of made a super big deal about it.

-On the evening of February 1st, Peter was sitting on his bed thinking about what he would wear to the dance, and most importantly, how pretty Sophie might look.

*Which was then, when Peter's mom called up to his room, telling him to come down stairs for a surprise.

"Peter honey! can you come downstairs? I have a surprise for you!" She called to him.

Peter:"Coming mom!" He said while jumping off of his bed.

*Peter then went downstairs to see what his mom wanted.

Peter:"Hey mom! What's going on?" He asked after coming down stairs.

*She hadn't told him what the surprise was yet, but PEter could tell that his mom was excited about it.

"Oh my gosh, sweetie! You are going to love this! Come on I'll show you!" She said quickly motioning for him to follw her into the kitchen.

*Peter was confused, but he was hoping that his mom didn't make such a big deal about this whole "school dance" thing. Which he was wrong about.

"Well? What do you think? Do you like it?" His mom asked as he followed her to the kitchen to see a small black tuxedo laying on the kitchen table.

*Peter gasped in surprise and ran over to the table. He hopped up on a chair to get a good look at what his mom was showing him.

Peter:"Wow. This is cool."

"Do you really think so? I made myself just for you!" She said happily.

*Peter knew his mother could sew, but he didn't think that she was this good. But still, one thing managed to run through his mind.

Peter:"Um, mom? This is great but, isn't this kind of over-doing it a bit?" He asked her.

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