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-So the next day ended up coming quicker than you could say, well, the day of the school dance. And to be honest, Peter never really cared about the dance anyway. He just really wanted to have a good time with Sophie!

-But since, she's not going to be there, Peter decided to sit this one out. You know, for the memory? And plus he really didn't feel like staying after school without Sophie being with him. So once school let out today, Peter and his mother just went straight home.

-They didn't do much, Peter went up to his room when they got back and waited for his mom to prepare dinner.

-Peter's mom decided to put a roast in the oven and create a side salad, along with her own low glucose lemonade. She knew this was Peter's favorite, and plus she hadn't did it in a while, so it will definitely spark some joy in her son when he sees that she made it.

-Meanwhile, Peter was up in his room laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling thinking about Sophie. She really was a true friend to him. Even if she didn't know that he was sort of crushing on her at the time.

-Which was what Peter enjoyed most about their friendship. That there was no pressure for confessions, and that Peter could tell Sophie that he liked her when he felt that he was ready. Although, they are only 10 at the time, it still gives Peter butterflies whenever they hang out.

*While Peter was laying down, his mom came to his doorway to check on him.

"Heya kiddo. Are you doing okay?" She asked.

*Peter looked up at his mother.

Peter:"Oh yeah. I'm okay. Just thinking." He told her.

"About Sophie?" She asked while looking a bit smug.

Peter:"Mom! But yes I was thinking of her. I really hope she's not sick for too long. I kind of want to hang out with her some more." He said while sitting up on the edge of his bed.

*Peter's mom then came in his room and sat on his bed with him.

"Hmm. Hey I know! Why don't we write a letter for Sophie? Then, when she gets better, we can give her the letter and make her feel special. What do you think?"

*Peter thought for a moment.

Peter:"You know what, mom? That would be nice. Yeah! Yeah lets do it!" He said happily.

-Peter then jumped off of his bed and raced down to the living room to a box where he kept all of his art supplies in. He didn't really use them a lot, but he just felt kind of inspired by his mom's idea.

-And he most likely took this as an opportunity to tell Sophie how he really felt about her. 

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