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Here it is! CHAPTER 11!! LETS GOOOOO!!

-So the day went kind of smoothly for Peter as the day of the dance drew nearer, but something told Peter that things wouldn't go the way he had planned. He didn't know why but he literally had a small feeling in his gut.

-But never mind that, Peter had to go get ready for bed at this time so he can be well rested for when the dance starts. Although it made almost minor sense for him to do this, considering that the dance starts after school, he was just really excited for when he'd go to the dance, have a good time and most likely, get a kiss from Sophie.

-And although, he and Sophie are only friends at this time and someone as young as he is shouldn't be thinking this way, he couldn't deny how much he liked Sophie and he just really wanted to see it through that she liked him the same way.

-He thought about Sophie a lot after school today. The way she talks, the way she walks and her pretty her hair was. It literally seemed like it was just yesterday that Sophie took off her mask with him with her and revealed her true self to him. Things started to feel so foreign to Peter ever since that one night.

-And not to forget that they spent Christmas together. Now that's something to cherish. And Peter did. He cherished everytime and day that he'd spend with Sophie. Because she was that special to him. As a girl and very much as his friend.

*But enough of that stuff, after Peter finsihed brushing his teeth, he went to the kitchen to tell his mother that he was turning in for the night. Although it was a bit early still.

Peter:"Okay mom, I'm going to bed!" He shouted loud enough for her to hear.

"Okay, honey! Sweet dreams, okay?" She yelled from the kitchen.

*But as Peter headed up the stairs to his room, he heard the phone ring. He didn't think nothing of it, but it was actually Sophie's mom calling his mom so Sophie relay a message to Peter.

"What? Oh my. That's too bad. Okay honey, you can tell him. Peter! Could you come here, please?" She called to him while Sophie was still on the phone.

*Peter heard his mother and came back down the stairs and into the kitchen. His mom handed him the phone while having a rather disappointed look on her face.


Sophie:"Hey Peter. Listen, I have some bad news. I'm feeling a little under the weather."

Peter:"What? What's going on? Are you okay?"

Sophie:"I don't think so. My throat is sore and I have a runny nose. My mom says it may be a small bug."

Peter:"Oh no, Sophie. I hope it's nothing too serious." He said out of concern.

Sophie:"No, no. I'm sure that I'm going to be fine. But I don't think that I'll be able to go to the dance tomorrow. I"m sorry."

Peter:"Oh right, the dance. It's okay. I mean, we all get sick sometimes, right?"

Sophie:"Really? You mean that?" She asked sniffling over the phone.

Peter:"Of course I mean it! I mean sure the dance is tomorrow, and yes we were looking forward to it, but if not going will help you feel better, then so be it. You're my best friend and I want you to get better soon."

Sophie:"Oh Peter. You're very nice. Thank you for understanding. You're the greatest best friend a girl can ask for."

*Peter blushed at hearing his friend tell him that.

Peter:"Thank you, Sophie. And I hope you feel better soon, okay? And amke sure to get plenty of rest." He told her.

Sophie:"Thank you, Peter. And I'm sure, as soon as I'm better, we can hang ou together again, okay?"

Peter:"Okay. See you then. Goodbye."

Sophie:"Bye." She responded before hanging up.

*Peter's mom listened to the whole conversation and was proud of how Peter was taking the bad news.

"Hey. Are you okay, honey?" She asked him while he headed back to his bedroom.

Peter:"Yes I'm okay, mom." He told her before continuing on to his room.

-When he got to his room, Peter got on his bed and wrapped himself up in the covers. Yeah, it was disappointing that his friend couldn't go, but at least she let him and didn't let him with the unexpected.

-But what his main thought was, would it be wrong if he went without her and still had a good time? 

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