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-As expected, the first days of the new year came in just as smoothly as any other. But for Sophie and Peter, came inner love and companionship. For you see, the two had grown closer and closer to each other over the course of the past few weeks. Of that month of course.

-But over time, love flourished between them as they got to know more and more about themselves and each other. So, Peter had come to except that he was starting to like his friend a little more than usual  but he just hasn't figured out how to go about it yet.

*But nevertheless, not only did the near year kick off to a good start, Peter and Sophie also knew that it was time for Sophie and her mom to go back to their own house. And Peter didn't admit it, but he wasn't ready for Sophie to leave yet. Meanwhile, Sophie and Peter were sitting on Peter's bed talking about the fun Christmas they had together and what they plan to do with the new year.

Peter:"Man. It sure was nice for our mom's to have us spend Christmas together huh, Sophie?" He asked her.

Sophie:" Oh yes, Peter! I had a blast! We played in the snow together, we opened our gifts together...."

Peter:"We had the new year together."

Sophie:"Yes absolutely. But still, I'm going to miss seeing you everyday." She said while frowning a bit.

Peter:"You know what, Sophie? Me too. Too bad Christmas couldn't be longer."

Sophie:"Yeah. But you know what Peter? That has been the most amazing few weeks of my life. But not because of the holiday, but because I got to spend it with you." She said as she put her hand to her side for Peter to hold it.

*Peter blushed and put his hand on top of Sophie's.

Peter:"Aww Sophie. I think...I think that I feel the same!"

*As this became a wholesome moment, Sophie's mom had finished packing all of their things so they could drive home. She then called upstairs to let her daughter know that it was time to go.

"Sophie! Sophie honey! I finished packing our things! It's time to go home!" She called from downstairs.

Sophie:"Okay mom!" She yelled back down.

*Sophie then hopped off of Peter's bed and then walked to Peter's doorway, but then she stopped in her tracks to look and see a sad Peter sitting on his bed still.

Sophie:"Hey. Would you like to walk with me outside?" She asked walking over to him and holding her hand out.

*Peter smiled a little at his friends offer, and jumped off his bed to hold her hand.

Peter:"I'd love to Sophie. I just wish you didn't have to leave." He told her while blushing a bit.

Sophie:"Aww. I wish I didn't have to go either. But at least we stay on the same block and we're not too far away form each other." She told him as they both walked through the hallway to the staircase.

*Peter thought for a moment. And then he smiled.

Peter:"You know what? You're right."

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