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Peter/Pump POV:

Man, me and Skid really had fun at the park today! Well, Me and Sophie, had fun at the park today. Sure, it's a bit of a stretch from the name's we usually go by, but despite everything, I learned a lot more about her at the park. So, we both enjoy Halloween and trick or treating, but i found out that we have more in common besides that. We like some of the same foods, some of the same shows, and some of the same hobbies too!

But nevertheless, I made sure to keep it simple, because I knew i was still hanging out with my best friend. And nothing more. At least, so I feel at this time. But anyway, after a tiring day, Sophie's mom drove me back to my house and dropped me off. I said goodbye to Sophie and went inside my house to find my mother. I then called out to her to let her know that I had came home.

End of POV

Peter:"Mom! I'm back! Are you still here?" He called out to her.

*Pump then closed the front door behind him while waiting for his mom's response.

"In the kitchen, sweetie!" She yelled back.

-Peter then went into the kitchen to see what his mom was doing. 

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