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The next few weeks were nothing short of eventful, Orion had taken on boatloads of work in order to rest at home with the pregnant male, and Lexius became as anxious as ever, injuring a few servants for which he was punished and Kora, a hormonal glowing mess of pregnancy and nesting. 

Now, here the two men sat, panic stricken as Kora snarled at them, hiding in his nest and staring daggers at the two. A servant had made the mistake of stepping into the room uninvited, thus causing the stressed omega to lash out anyone and anything- even his mates. "Kora my sweet darling, please, it's just me and Master..." Lexius tried to coax, only earning a harsh snarl leaving his throat. Orion pressed a hand to Lexius' shoulder, frowning a bit "It'd be best to leave him for now, Lex." The pair spoke a bit and then walked off, leaving Kora relaxed and at peace. 

Peering down to his swollen tummy, he positioned himself so that there was no stress on his back, nuzzling into the pillows. Osilius' only were pregnant for a few months due to the nature of their natural living conditions, meaning he had two months left to go. His belly was rounded out nicely and he had a slight waddle that only seemed to worsen, thankfully he didn't get morning sickness but instead had triple the amount of hormones one usually would. 

Yawning, he rubbed his belly, feeling the pups wiggle around. Only he knew how many resided in his womb, he'd flat out refused to visit the doctor, not trusting anyone- even his mate. Kora knew what was best for his pups and would keep it that way. 

He hadn't meant to snarl at everyone, but he wanted alone time, curled up with his pups and comfortable. Kora knew his mats, even at the slightest shift he'd pounce on him with the sweet scent he was emitting and in truth- Kora was horny, so much so he'd had dreams of his alpha's knot breaking in his tight pussy. 

Letting his nimble fingers slide down and past his belly, they fidgeted gently with his swollen and dripping clit, prodding the sweet and soft skin around it as he panted happily, the tension in his body already releasing as he rubbed just a bit faster. Spreading his legs for more room, slick gathered at his hole, begging for a bit of penetration, and that's what he did. Sticking his two longest fingers halfway in his sloppy cunt, Kora prodded his g-spot, whimpering and bucking against them as he felt his orgasm already building. 

With a few more sloppy grunts, he came hands jittery and coated in omegan slick and the scent of arousal heavy in the room- he hoped he didn't get in trouble with Orion...

The Devil's Guard Dog (MxMxM - Mpreg) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now