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As the days flew by, Kora became more and more irritable, his body incredibly horny and pent up, Lexius could tell from his scent but didn't try to approach, knowing his fragile state wouldn't be able to handle him- and the alpha didn't have enough self control yet to hold back. While Kora was rutting himself frustratingly along a stiff pillow, Dimitri quietly pulled it away, earning a distressed whine from Kora "Please..!" he cried softly, his cunt rubbed raw from the friction. Dimitri gently rubbed his head "How about this, love- I've got a demonstration for pleasing pregnant persons like yourself, as well as just a pleasing show in general. If you'd allow me to pleasure you in front of others, I'd be honoured" Dimitri cooed, earning an eager nod from Kora, before he hesitated, glancing over at his pup "But, Idran, master..." Dimitri pressed a kiss to his temple "Idran will be waiting for you after the show with Lexius, in a nearby wing, I promise dear" Kora seemed a bit tense but nodded, shifting uncomfortably. 
Two days later, it was as promised. Being led in proper clothing (for the first time in awhile- the omega didn't much care for pants) to a small stage, he was instructed to lie along. cushioned sofa that lifted his legs into the air at an angle, keeping circulation going but restraining him at the same time. The curtains were still closed, soft murmurs clear in the audience. Sensing Kora's nerves, Dimitri gently rubbed down his body, whispering sweet reassuring words into his ear "Your safe word is going to be Ruby, okay sweet pet?" Kora nodded, happy he had options. 

Before he knew it, soft lights shone over his pale skin, the curtains rising and exposing his dripping cunt to the audience, earning a few moans and gasps of appreciation- it seemed Kora was rather popular. Letting his head loll back comfortably, Dimitri began to speak, slowly rubbing along his folds and sliding his thumb over Kora's clit. Twitching and shivering, he chuffed softly as Dimitri joked "... as you see my lovely pet here is quite pent up, the poor dear~" Kora whimpered in agreement, ignoring everyone but his master, as he had learned to do. 

After a bit of teasing around his folds, Kora could feel Dimitri's warm fingers prodding ever so gently at his entrance, it felt incredible. "Mmh, see here, Kora is a beautiful Osilious, though his body is strong, it's best to keep temperatures warm for him and his pups- always keep in mind the fragility of your sub when performing such things- if you've noticed, I have a warmth light directed on him and have warmed the lube before hand- comfort is key." Kora agreed with his words, gripping at the sheets and purring, he was so warm and comfortable, stress melting slowly away as Dimitri breached his cunt, earning a shiver and gasp from the omega. Dimitri pushed his fingers deeper before curling them to press right against his g-spot... as well as his bladder. 

Legs shaking, Kora panted and let out soft whimpers and moans, clearly arousing and intriguing the people below, glancing up at his master, Kora purred "Mmh~ ma-master...~" Dimitri smiled lovingly at him, pressing a kiss to his thigh before glancing at the audience "It's best to place one finger gently on the g-spot, and the other on the bladder rather than womb- since your sub is already with child, there's no need to press around that fragile area." Dimitri began to move gently, pressing and poking at everything good within Kora, arching his back and throwing his head back, Kora bucked his hips needily, moans pouring from his lips "M-mast-er! Good.. so g-go-OD!" 

After a minute or two, Kora could feel his release building, Dimitri was still talking but Kora paid it no mind, too busy wrapped in his pleasure. With one last push to his bladder, Kora cried out as liquid gushed from his cunt, wetting the table as his whines dies down "Master... I messed.. 'm sorr-rry" he hicced, blissed out yet still obedient, the crowd was in a lustful frenzy, partly from Kora's pheromones as the curtains closed up. 

Kora took a minute to register that he was cleaned up and curled in a soft arm chair in a lobby area, Lexius and his pup nearby. Dimitri smiled at him and kissed his head "Morning lovely, seems you're out of subspace? Your pup is right here, a few people will talk to you, that okay?" Kora nodded and took his pup, yawning and shimmying the side of his robe down to let Idran suckled hungrily. Purring quietly, Kora watched as a rope was untied, and a shy sub and his master shuffled forwards. 

Kora paid them little mind, quietly grooming and feeding his pup while Lexus stood protectively next to him, leaning in for a few gentle bites and kisses from the omega. Feeling a stare, Kora looked over to see a bashful male, looking down at him with bright eyes "Hi!!" he chirped, earning a gentle nod from Kora, which didn't seem to please the man "I'm Sunny, for ooooobvious reasons, Daddy wants me to get all knocked up like you~" he giggled, confusing Kora "That man is your sire?" he questioned uncomfortably "If he is with you, you are still a pup, should not be here" he chided in a motherly manner, earning a laugh from Sunny "No~! He's not my dad, silly! Just my master, I call him Daddy!!" Kora only nodded and curled back up in his chair, not wanting to talk to the confusing man anymore. 

Eventually they left and a few more people sauntered over, one pairing was an older man, the sub an overly fem boy with unflattering booty shorts, heavy makeup and bright pink crop top, his lips either swollen from injections or giving head. He peered down at Idran and tried to run his long acrylics over the baby's head, earning a sharp snarl from Kora, and cry from his pup. Shuffling further into the plush, Kora cooed his baby back to his calm state and let him latch once more, Idran sleepily nursing against the omega's chest. 

The boy looked tearful and tugged on the man's arm "Master!! It- it tried to bite me!! I just wanted to see the cute liddle baby~~!" he cried before pouting and fussing "He needs to be punished, sharing is caring, that's what you say!" he whined, earning a harsh glare from Dimitri, who quickly stepped in "Well now, you see that is Kora's baby, a baby is not a THING, he has every right to protect him. You have neither washed your hands nor asked to touch the child, so I suggest you leave, now." Dimitri scolded as they embarrassingly ran off. 

Kora purred in thanks, gently biting Dimitri's neck in a show of affection, kissing at the little wounds. Tired from the event, Kora tugged at his master's arm, the need to be in his nest increasing "Master, may we leave?" Dimitri turned and nodded, leading the trio away much to the crowd's disappointment. 

The Devil's Guard Dog (MxMxM - Mpreg) DISCONTINUEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя