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"Mama?" a small 6-year-old boy tugged on his mother's skirt, tears pooling in his innocent red eyes "Mama stop sleeping..." he sat there sniffling and wiping away his tears he refused to believe he was alone in the world.

Pondering what to do, the men who were responsible for his mother's death walked into their shabby hut "Who knew the whore would have this kind of treasure tucked away eh?" they gripped his small face and sneered, the potent stench of tobacco rubbing through his senses "Pretty little thing too, smells like a breeder" the boy trembled and cried, trying to get away from the larger man when his father walked through the door as well, his eyes roaming around the hut in disgust.



Kora awoke with a start to a cold stream of hard water beating into his skin, he hissed and scrambled to the back of his crate, ducking away from the intrusive stream as it moved on to the next cage, leaving him soaked and royally pissed "Haven't had that dream in a while.." he murmured to himself, wringing out his matted and dirty hair before curling back into the threadbare blankets of his nest with a sigh. 

He was a slave, worthless to the world, and seen as disgusting. Kora had the chance to live what many would call the 'high life', being a pet for the rich and famous, dragged around on a leash, and pampered like no tomorrow. In all honesty, it sounded a bit nice to Kora, and he had tried to cooperate but... nobody was worthy of him. All the chubby old men who thought they could just touch him because they bought him were disgusting. No. Kora had pride, and like hell was he going to be owned by someone unworthy.

His kind was rare and rather... extinct. Osilious. He had heard that term many times before. Kora was clearly not human, what humans called 'Osilious's' instead. Kora's hair was long, nearly touching his waistline and when cleaned, a pure soft white- the same shade as his skin tone. All of the male's kind was like that, but what truly made him worth his weight in gold were his eyes, a pure deep red that signaled something many had never had the luck to see, an Osilious breeder, a male one at that. 

Kora assumed that was the reason he hadn't been sent off to the mines or killed yet. Various and torturous training lessons had been applied to him, only for him to kill or brutally harm each and every one of the trainers, and that's where he sat now. In a large silver cage in a room by himself, a few blankets tossed to him occasionally for nesting purposes. Kora's breeding season was coming up once again, and the people who 'owned' him made sure to keep him healthy, food being tossed into his crate every now and then and a daily pressure wash to clean his enclosure. He even had his own bucket to relieve himself in. How nice.

Kora was rudely pulled from his thoughts by the sound of his enclosure door opening- not his actual cage, of course, just the door that led to his secluded room. The area was a bare silver, the walls the floors- everything. All but the cameras that sat high in the corners to monitor him.

"General, I would warn you he's not safe to be near, any body parts he can reach out and grab if close enough to the bars, I suggest you keep your distance." Kora snapped up and met the gaze of 4 people, the woman who was the only one brave enough to showcase him, two seemingly high-ranking men, and then HIM. 

His aura radiated power and Kora found himself rolling in his small crate, exposing part of his neck to the man they called 'General'. Kora wanted General, and he reached his slim arms through the gate with a sharp cry to illustrate that. 

The general raised an eyebrow and let his deep voice rumble through the room "Release him" the woman gaped her mouth open "B-but sir he's killed-" he cut her off with a sharp glare and she only nodded, the two other men laughing at her fear of this simple slave. Pressing a silver clicker, Kora's gate rose up and he stood there for a second before shooting out of the enclosure and latching right onto the face of the man touching HIS General.

His canines were razor-sharp and in sets of three, so he made quick work of tearing into the side of the man's face, as he was about to go in for the kill, he stopped cold as he heard the general's order "Let go of him, Kora" Kora released the man's neck as the weakling sobbed and held his face backing away into the other man who was screaming at the woman for uncaging him, but Kora paid no mind, only his general mattered to him.

Sitting on the ground with a soft 'thump' Kora looked up at his new master expectantly who was very pleased with his new pet "He doesn't seem dangerous to me, right Michael?" one of the men- seemingly Michael- looked up from tending to his comrade's wounds "You're fucking psycho, Orion! He just ripped off half of Lilo's face!" Orion only smirked at his words and pet Kora's hair "Good boy" Kora crooned from the praise, leaning into his hand and wiping away some of the blood that coated his face, spitting out a quick chunk of Lilo's skin before grinning. "Thank you master" Orion nodded and beckoned his new pet with his hand "Come now, I must pay for you, yes?" Kora hopped up off the ground and scurried to walk beside his general.

As they walked out of the room, Orion wrapped an arm around Kora's waist, smirking at the fearful looks of others as he waved a quick hand "Tend to my third-in-command. He has sustained a few injuries" people quickly bustled around Lilo, pulling him into a nearby infirmary just for the injuries Kora had caused, to say people were harmed by him was an understatement. 


Time seemed to fly by and with a few more unprecedented attacks from Kora towards people who got too close to his general, they were in a sleek car and on their way home. Kora had shrunk into his master's side, rubbing his face into Orion's jacket happily as Orion grimaced at the sight of his dirty pet "You will bathe when we get home, Kora" Kora only purred and nodded, which didn't seem to bode well for him as his chin was gripped by a pissed Orion "Words, pet. Use your words" Kora looked at the man and purred "Yes master" Orion was about to reply when the chauffeur stopped in a driveway, glancing back at the pair.

"We have arrived at your estate, sir."

The Devil's Guard Dog (MxMxM - Mpreg) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now