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As I was going in my tent I suddenly smell something really tasty in the air which make me drool a bit. I followed the smell and I understood that someone was making a broth. I just stand there looking at the beautiful man standing near the broth and without even moving the man suddenly said:
"You know, you don't have to act like a wol(wild animal in this world compare to a wolf for its big appetite) you can come here" surprised that he notices me even when I used my super ninja skills that I learned from tv show and really embarrassed I slowly start to walk to him.
"You're making a broth for the supper?" I was now beside him
"Yes, the group will come soon" so I just stand here and things were starting to get uncomfortable so I ask his name, it was truly a weird moment...
"Sooo.... Y-your name is what, I mean... how can I name you?" Aahhh!! I want to slap myself, I feel like a teenager trying to talk to her crush!!
He chuckle a bit "You know, I'm not a monster no need to be so tense"
I instantly blush like crazy"Y-Yea.. I know... " Ahh shit what's my problem!
"My name is Lun (pronounce like Lyune) and you what yours I don't think I saw you before, are you the kids they came back with?"
"Ah, yes it's me, I'm really grateful for them saving my life " I made a little smile
"And you can call me Mi, it's the name Mali found for me"
"Ok Mi ! If you want something you can always ask me!" His red eyes were truly amazing
"I'm going back, good luck with the supper"

'Aah why does my talking skill didn't change!? It look like they are even worse than before!'
'But...it was cool talking to him and omg he is really pretty with his red hair and red eyes.'Even tho he is my type I didn't really feel anything, is it because my sexuality age regress too?''Well, it's not like it really matter "

I return in my tent and then sit on my bed... I drank a cup of water.... I get out to pee because they didn't have a toilet but the contrary would have surprise me... I sit down ... I waited the group... I changed my position...
'Aahhh!! I'm not able anymore to wait them!! I don't even have a phone or book to pass the time! I don't have anything to do! Will I die due to botherness!!??' I started to do exercise because it was the only thing to do, I couldn't even sleep because I slept too much this morning. So I started doing push-up... after five I abandoned so I changed the exercise to running... after 5 min I was no longer able to continue so I went back to my tent and I start doing another exercise again.. it continue like that for like 10 min before stopping.

'I have to change my activity, I don't have the will to exercise so I will try to meditate! Yes that was the best thing to do. I always was really good at concentrate." So I sat on my so called "bed" and I start to meditate...

I fell asleep...

I got reincarned as the foreign demonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum