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After drinking I was a little bit better and I was bored so I started talking to the lady

"What's your name?" I didn't even know the name of my saviors so I had to ask them starting with the kind lady
" My name is Maria-li but you can call me Mali like the rest of the group and you, what's your name" she was truly an angel
I thought about it before finally answer
" I-I don't have a name" or more like I didn't know my name and I didn't want to used my past name, I didn't want to remember my past life...
" Oh ok so for now we are going to call you Mi"
"What does it mean"
"In the ancient language it means 'jade' because your eyes and the inside of your hair is the same color as the gemstone Jade, and each gemstone represent one god in the ancient mythology so you have the same name as one of the god"
"Mi.. it's a really pretty name, thank Mali and it fit with your name too!"

I had an other important question in my head too...
"What was the magic you used to healed me?" I was sincerely impressed with how I didn't felt pain after the torture I had to endure even if I still had scares but that was like it been 10 years I had been injured
"Oh that- it's a bit difficult to explain but I will try my best to make it easy to understand"
And then she explained to me that it was not really a healing magic that she used but a time magic, the spell have for effect that the object or metabolism accelerate so, it mean that in 6 min I experience all my injuries healing that was supposed to take at least 1 year and that's why it hurts so bad. It was truly fascinating. I ask Mali how magic works and she explained it to me with simple words.

So if I understood, it work like this; they have 6 fondamental element:
Water, earth, air, fire, blessing(healing and time) and shadow
It was not really surprising because I'm all fantasy story it was like that

After there was the body amplification and it was the most used magic:
Strength, speed, agility, sens(hearing, touch, vision, smell,taste, stability and reflex) and things like that

This one is more particularly because it's the power of making pact:
Like making pact with a particularly beast, invocation, necromancie, so just all power that have a protector like power,something like that

And finally the special power, it is the rarest power to have, they have no limit to how much types of power you can have and different power are still appearing:
That's just some exemple: plant growing, metamorphose, telekinesis or any short of power that are not related to the other types of power. It's hereditary so you can become a famous family just by having a powerful hability like this.

And that's a secret power that a normal person is not supposed to know, but they have an other type of power called mythic power, it's a type of magic creat with the help of mythical being like gods, mythical beast ... you basically have a blessing power but it's basically a myth because having this power is one person in a whole country if the country is lucky and they are the most dangerous weapon in the world. All those who want power, want these persons in your teams. Like how cool is that!!?

All that, they didn't even explain it in the books and I found it so cool!!
I mean seriously maybe I already have one of these power! And when the guy who saved me said that I had good amount of ama in my eyes it means that my vision is good so technically I already have a power!! I'm so excited to develop my power because in my last world I wanted so much to have magic and now I can!!

I know I surely have a weird smile on my face but I can't stop smiling


I really loved writing this chapter because I really love magic and creating a world where I can make the rule of how that work is so cool! I hope it was not too much difficult to understand and you like it!!

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