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The scorpions are coming closer and closer...

A scorpions jump on me and I avoid just in time but my arm got a little scratch. A second scorpion jump on me and again, I successfully avoid. I want to escape again but the others scorpions start to approach to much, I don't have that much space anymore.

"SLASH"" take care of the others one, I will go take the child" a group of 10 persons fought the scorpions in not even 10 min and a  boy take me on his shoulder and took me away while his friends were fighting.

"Thanks, mister" I thank him with all the sincerity I have
"It's nothing, but are you hurt?"
I lightly lean my head on the side "Can't you see me," I asked him.
It was clear that I was badly hurt, my arm had clearly blood flowing on it and all the scars and sunburns were flashing red.
" Uhh-no I can't really see in the dark like that " he seemed a little bit embarrassed
" Is your view bad?" I genuinely asked him without really thinking about it
" Uhh- not really, I am considered the person with the best eyesight in the group, are you saying that you can see what happening" he looked surprised
" yes?" For me it was really easy seeing in the dark
" You must have a good amount of ama in your sens"
I didn't really understand what he was sawing since in the story they don't really explain how the magic work
"Oh my companion want us to come back, we are going to go to our base so come with us"
I start to feel a little tear rolling down my cheek
I'm going to be saved!
"OK!"I ran toward the group that saved me and I started to thanked them all

After a while we arrived at their camp. They give me a piece of bread and a cup of water. I drank all of my water in less than 10 sec and immediatly asked for more and while they were filling up my cup I ate my bread like a dog. In my last life I couldn't even see such dirty food and water without throwing up but I couldn't afford to be picky. And that meal was like luxury food and it was so tasty right now, in this situation. Without even knowing it I finished my meal and fell asleep.

I got reincarned as the foreign demonWhere stories live. Discover now