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I wake up slowly from this perfect night. I was able to eat, drink and sleep all night it was so nice! These person are really generous to me. I am a nobody to them but they shared their food and even saved my life. As I tried to lift myself I felt a pain too strong for me to be able to move.

"Ah" I groaned in pain

A kind woman heard my groan and quickly came to me
"Ah you're awake!don't move too much, your injuries are severe, I have to take care of them but it will hurt so I have to ask for your consent"
" I don't know why it would hurt but please help me, I have to be heal to follow you and I don't want this pain anymore so please do it "I was desesperate, I had the impression that my injuries were hurting much more than yesterday, maybe because the adrenaline was gone.
"O-ok" she seemed hesitant, does it hurts that badly to be heal? And how can she heals me when they don't even have the material for it?
" I count on three and I go,then, one...two...three" I felt an immense pain on all my injury, it felt like my skin was peeled and I was in hot oil, my muscle was like they were being torn and my bones were being disconnect. The pain was immeasurable. It felt as if I was still in that accident that cost my two arms but condensate in a 10 sec. It was awful. Tears and scream wouldn't want to stop.

The kind lady stoped when she saws how much I was suffering.
" Omg, I'm so sorry I didn't except it to be so painful" she looked like she wanted to cry
" Don-don't stop I want to finished it right now " even if it was hurting like hell I wanted to be able to heal the most possible and it was now or never  so with a trembling voice I said
"C-continue" the lady looked at me with a sad expression
" You know, you don't have to be completely healed to follow us, we could even wait there until you are okay to leave"
"I-I know but... I have to do it" I stared at her eyes with all the courage I was able to have
"Oh ok but this time I won't count to three and don't hesitate to tell me if you want me to stop" she approached her hand on my head and has a hesitant look on her face
" GO!" She screamed before I felt that disastrous pain again

It longs 5min before finally being completed and I lost consciousness because of the effort. When I woke up I saw the kind lady sitting beside me on a chair with her biting her lip to blood. I had a cold towel on my forehead and I felt really dizzy.

" Hello" I said it with a little voice, I didn't even know if she heard me
She turned her head in my direction with a surprise look before having a smile on her face that disappeared right away to let place for a worried look. Her expressions always make me laught.
" Are you ok"
"I feel dizzy and my body is numb but I feel much better than with my injuries" I showed her the biggest smile I could make
" Ah it's good for you " she looked a bit less worried and offer me a cup of water that I immediatly accepted
I was not able to drink it by myself so the lady helped me to drink it

I got reincarned as the foreign demonWhere stories live. Discover now