Why not?

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Kalista P.O.V.

My entire body ached, I'm not sure if it was from laying on the cold wooden floor for so long or if it was from the pure misery that filled my being. I couldn't bare the thought of being without Cheyenne.

It's weird, before Cheyenne came into my life, I had never considered being with someone. I never thought I was lesbian my parents would have disowned me much sooner if I had known. But maybe I'm not lesbian, maybe I'm just in love with a girl, does that make me lesbian? I'm not attracted to girls, just Cheyenne.

I want her to come back so badly I wish I hadn't said that I don't even remember what was going through my head when I said it. Im still not sure how long I was crying on the ground, all I know is that it's now daytime. And somewhere in the neighborhood, some one is playing guitar, actually a couple people are playing I can faintly hear a base and two guitars. I guess someone started a band or at least it sounds like it. Cheyenne should try to join, with her voice I'm sure she'd do well.

At a out noon there is a knock at the front door and I stomp to it, swinging it open not caring that it hit the wall behind the door, shaking the wall. There, stands Cheyenne in all of her glory, her hair looks messy and her nose looks a bit red like she's coming down with a cold.

"Some guys started a band they need a drummer, wanna come join?" Seriously? Is she kidding? I would love to join but....what is she doing in the band?
"Come on it will be fun, I'm the singer" she giggled a bit and just the musical sound made everything better. So I followed her down the street to a house where she hopped the fence and led me through a backdoor into a garage. There was a full drum set up as well as three guys arguing over something having to do with the song. One was tall and had dark hair and small gauges he was holding a bright green bass, the second guy was also tall but had brown hair that covered his forehead and one eye, and the last guy who held a black electric guitar covered in decals, was short and had black hair that stuck up at odd places on his head but somehow it still looked ok.
"I'm Derek, I'm the bassist" Derek said, looking at his bass and frowning slightly
"Ok...and that's Jacob and that's David" Cheyenne said gesturing first to the short one then the taller one.
"Hi. I'm Kalista...um...yeah?" It came out like a question...god I'm awkward
"Do you know the beat for I'm not okay" (mcr) Cheyenne said as I sat in front of the drum set, picking up an old pair of sticks and getting adjusted. I played the beat over in my head before playing it, filling the room with the rhythm for one of my favorite songs. Once I got a feel for it, we added in the bass, practiced a couple times and added in the guitars. Then after about 30 minutes of adjustment, Cheyenne joined in with the lyrics. Her voice was so different from Gerard ways but it was a good different, it was perfectly rough where it needed to be and smooth where it was necessary.
"Good job Kalista, you did that beat pretty well off the top of your head" Derek said, while Cheyenne just stood in the corner smiling wildly
I laughed to myself "Cheyenne, close your mouth your inviting flies in" i fake scolded, putting on my best mom voice
"Whatever MOM!" The guys just looked back and forth between each other. I was happy, everything was ok for me and Cheyenne.

In those crystal eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें