We could be so much more

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Cheyenne P.O.V.

I don't know where to go without Kalista, I feel like I'm missing part of myself that I had just discovered and I want it back so desperately it hurts. But if she will be happier without me then I will leave. Is it completely selfish to want to go back to her and confess just what I feel for her? Would it be stupid of me to go back and kiss the girl I love? When we kissed I swear the world stopped for a second, but then again who gives a shit about two 15 year old orphans who may or may not love each other? Who cares if we kiss, her parents didn't even care enough to stick around when she needed them.
"What have I done!" I yelled to the empty street as I stumbled down the sidewalk, trying desperately to stay on my feet and keep walking, but it felt like I was physically being pushed back towards Kalista. I collapsed under the weight of my emotions and just laid there on the sidewalk staring up at the hazy stars with unblinking eyes, thinking about how much more beautiful kalistas' eyes were. I remembered the way her scent would engulf you and drown you in the warmth and happiness that scent held. I loved the way her eyes would shine when she looked at me, or how she would faintly smile in her sleep, or even how her lips would twitch when she listened to music. I was in love with every part of her and nothing was going to change that, just from being with her for a couple of days, I was changed forever. And there was no going back. But I could always go back to her, even if she pushed me out, I couldn't stand the possibility of me being the one to hurt her. But I think we both needed a couple of days to calm down, so I decided to find somewhere else to stay until then then I'd go back to her tomorrow evening. I finally managed to pry myself off of the cold concrete and drag myself to someone's back fence, taking extra care to make sure it wasn't Walters. There was a small spiky bush in the corner of the yard and the back porch looked spider infested and desolate. I huddled up in the side yard and closed my eyes, losing consciousness.

"What the hell...Isn't that the girl who we saved from Walter...why is she here?.....I thought she was with Kalista!"
"Yeah I thought her and Kalista were like...dating....the way they act around each other"
"Yeah, David was spying on them and he said they were dancing to no music and just staring at each other"
"That's cute but why is she here?" I decided to open my eyes, realizing I was in someone's backyard while they were looking down at me. It was two guys who looked my age, they didn't look similar at all so I guessed they were friends. One held a skateboard and the other one had a guitar slung over his shoulder.
"What?" I said blinking and trying to stand up
"Why are you in our back yard" skateboard guy said
"Um... I had a fight with Kalista"
"Cool, so your passed out in our backyard why?" Mr skateboard said bluntly
"No need to be an ass Derek" the guitar guy said
"Um.. No it's fine I just....I'm not sure why I'm here I'm sorry I'll go. Do you think anyone would let me stay with them for a day or two?" The two guys looked back and forth between each other
"Um I guess you could sleep on the couch" Derek said
"Yeah that sounds ok i guess...come on inside"they shrugged and led me up the gross old porch
"You can stay here, the bathrooms down the hall to the left...I'm gonna go get David, I'll just leave Jacob here with you i guess" Derek turned to the door and stopped right in front of the door with his hand on the handle, then winked at Jacob and said to me"keep your hands off my man" Jacob turned to me like he was gonna ask a question but I had one of my own
"Do you guys like... Live together?" I asked cautiously also wondering if they were actually together or if Derek was kidding
"No, Derek lives here alone his pa threw him out, yes he and I are together"
"That's amazing that you guys are together, why is he getting David?"
"Band practice, were in a band, well, most of a band, we still need a drummer and a lead singer and we have yet to write any songs but we're looking" I'm not sure if the universe loves or hates me but this seemed promising. Two open slots, one for me and one for Kalista. Maybe we could make something of ourselves using this band. I felt like I could do something if I joined the band, so that's what I did.
"I can sing" I whispered before clearing my throat and repeating myself loud enough to hear
"Seriously! Would you want to join? You could just try it out!" I laughed, feeling happy that he hadn't laughed at me.

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