This is Why

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Cheyenne P.O.V.

I woke up as I heard the door slam, and kalistas heavy boots thud down the entry way, into the living room. I sat up, glancing around the room, watching Kalista walk into the room. Her jaw was clenched and she was holding a few things in her hands, her eyes looked straight forward and her entire body was tense.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, my brow furrowed in confusions
"This is what's fucking wrong!" She threw the things down on the table. They were pictures of her. And those guys, violating her. I felt bile rise up into my throat. I'm going to kill them. Right now I feel like destroying everything in my path, rampaging and killing all of the boys who had caused her pain. But that wouldn't help Kalista right now, she needed comfort. We will deal with this later. I pushed the pictures and the tape into a corner of the coffee table and pulled kalista to the couch, and tried to make sense of the situation. Those guys had clearly left these here to mess with her that much was clear.
"Those pieces of shit deserve to die" I muttered not so quietly. Let's be honest, I yelled it.
"What am I supposed to do!" She said, looking completely terrified. Her eyes wouldn't focus on anything and she was shaking her head as if she was begging life to make this go away
"Let's sit down and figure out how to deal with this. Maybe we can bring the law into it? The pictures could be used as evidence" I suggested
"If the police come here, they'll know my parents aren't coming back and put me in foster care" she looked less scared now, but her voice still shook lightly
"Shit..." I whispered to myself
She cringed "I think I have an idea..." Whatever her idea was obviously disturbed her because she looked ready to throw up
45 minutes later---------

We finished the plan, now we just had to wait. I know now why Kalista looked absolutely disgusted by the idea and honestly I'm terrified too. But it's the only way.

Until then we'll just continue life until they show up then we'll get rid of them (not kill them) and move on with our lives. I hope once this is over Kalista doesn't just ditch me and go find someone else to torture with her beauty.

"Ooh you'll love this album" she said, shoving the cover in my face. She had done this countless times, and for every album she turned on we would both sing and dance along even though I didn't know the words. After a while we decided to listen to the one album on the shelf that I knew, the black parade by my chemical romance. We both sing every word until the album is done.

"You have a nice voice" Kalista said as we were having 'dinner' (dry ramen noodles no seasoning for some reason, with peanut butter)
"Thanks, I've always loved singing" I say remembering how my mom had taught me to sing when I was 7.
"You should try to get your voice out there, it's really good, maybe one day you can live better than this if your a famous singer" she mutters the last part while picking at her noodles
"Do you sing?"
"No. I play the drums"
"Really! Do you have a drum set you could show me on?"
"Nope" she whispers looking miserable
"Oh...maybe we can save up and get one!"
"Who the fuck do you think you are? You say 'we' like all of a sudden were in this together, it's not your problem why don't you keep your fucking opinions over there!"
Well that stung. How am I supposed to respond?
'Because, I think I'm in love with you.'
'Because your the most beautiful person I've ever met'
'Because you make me forget that my entire family is dead'
I'm sure that would go over well.
Does she know that it's true?

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