What now?

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Cheyennes P.O.V.----
I have no idea what to do now, I got away from Walter the creep but where do I go now? Back to foster care? To be loaned out to another disgusting pervert? I could always pretend nothing happened and stay in this neighborhood, maybe one of these onlookers would open their homes to me. It's uncommon to find a girl as beautiful as Kalista and I saw how she looked at me. The same way I'm sure I looked at her, with longing. And I find myself wanting to know more about this beautiful girl with her raven hair and enchanting eyes. I want her too look at me like she did before, with longing as if she could barely restrain herself from reaching out to touch me.
"So... What are you gonna do now?" She asks, her voice is smooth but has a raspy edge to it which makes it increasingly sexy.
"Um...I'm not sure, do you think anyone in this neighborhood would let me stay with them?" I asked, hoping she would say I could stay with her, I hardly know her but I still feel close to her for some reason.
"My parents are out of town so you can stay with me for a week or two you might have to go back to foster care eventually so it wouldn't be anything permanent" I silently cheered at what she said. Her words came with dirty images flashing through my mind and I immediately pushed them to the back of my mind. I hardly know this girl, I shouldn't think of her like that, she might not even swing my way! I feel sick at that thought. She might not even be interested in me as anything but a friend. I mentally slap myself yet again, I met her 15 minutes ago! What am I thinking!
She turned around and led me a couple houses down the street to an old house with dead lawn, like all the other lawns in this neighbor hood, and peeling paint, another thing it had in common with the rest of the neighborhood. Instead of going in through the front door, she hopped the back fence and I followed, finding myself in a back yard equally as decrepit as the front. The backyard had and empty pool and plenty of cracked cement making me think this was once a very nice house. Sickly green weeds seeped up through the cracks in the cement, but the cement in the pool was in pretty good condition. I guessed Kalista probably rode her skateboard in there. She was that type of girl. She shoved her hand through a slightly open window on the back of the house and in a second or two the window was completely open and she jumped in. Leaving me to follow.
I followed her into the house almost tripping over a pile of comic books piled right in front of me. She flipped a switch over in the corner and I gasped as the lights went on in the room, it was pretty nice actually. There was a small couch in the corner with a bookshelf filled with CDs and some Vinyl and in the middle of the room, a large rug was spread out, there was a chess board laying on the ground with pieces strewn around it. As she led me around the house, It became more and more apparent that there had been no parents here in years.
And the more I talked to her it became very clear to me that she was hiding something. Something was seriously wrong. I'm not sure what yet but there was some sort of traumatic memory hiding behind her sarcastic attitude and casual personality. Every smile was fake, every laugh was forced. I wanted desperately to know what was happening inside her head but only time will tell if she will let me see what exactly happens inside her head. Until then I'll just hope and pray that the foster care system leaves me alone.

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