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Kalistas P.O.V.
nervous was an understatement. I knew that as soon as Cheyenne saw my house she'd know my parents weren't coming back. When my dad disowned me he took my mom with him before I could tell her what had happened. It's funny how when everything is ok, my parents were amazing and extremely supportive, we even lived on the rich side of town, but once their precious little daughter was 'damaged goods' they packed their bags and left. Now my music comforts me when I'm crying, I can almost pretend the music is a person, wrapping it's arms around my shoulders and whispering reassurance into my ears. For so long I told myself I only needed music to survive, that people weren't necessary but now...this beautiful girl stumbled into my life, making me want something more. Her.

For some reason I decide to show her my music collection, even the albums that I considered family. Music has always been there for me but now it's different, it's like she is too. The way she looks at me like she sees right through me to the core of my issues. It's like she's living through the memory that still kills me but instead of me being alone in that alley, she's with me.

After the tour through the sad little house, I went back into the living room and took out some of my favorite albums. I liked that she was sitting behind me, most likely reading the album titles to see if she recognized them. I could practically feel her smile burning into the back of my neck, but it was comforting. Her scent washed over me and for a moment I let myself get absorbed into the sound of her breathing, the faint smell of smoke that followed her around, the very essence of Cheyenne as it wafted over me and the tiny room.

I finally decided on an album that she would love, sway by blue October. I put it into the cheap CD player and turned up the volume as the first song, breathe, it's over, came on. I had listened to this song thousands of times after I came here. This song didn't just feel like home to me, it WAS home. This house, on the bad side of town, with tiny rooms that smelled like mold and old books, this house is not my home. Music is, and maybe, just maybe Cheyenne could become a part of the musical home I've built.

Cheyenne threw herself back against a torn up couch and her eyes slipped closed but I knew she was awake, her jaw went slack and her face delicately tipped to the side. She swayed ever so slightly to the song, like a feather caught in a lazy mid June breeze. And in that moment something inside of me broke. It was the wall, the damn, the prison, everything holding me back. It shattered just from meeting a girl who I hardly knew. Something about her made me want to let everything come spilling out, and who cares if it's senseless rambling she would pull sense out of it. She would make it ok, she would chase away the murderous memories, crushing the life out of me. Or at least I hope she would accept me.

The next song started, sway. And she jumped to her feet, pulling me out of my trance while simultaneously sucking me deeper in. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I took the hint, wrapping mine around her waist. We swayed together to the sound of the song, not caring that the song didn't match our dance, or that the song changed, or even when the album changed, we just stood there, for so long soaking up each others presence wrapped up in each other soaking up every detail of each other. Even when the sun went down outside and the room got dim, her eyes shone through the darkness pulling me deeper into the enticing world of Cheyenne.

She pulled herself closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder like it was the most natural thing in the world. And it was. I wrapped myself around her not ever wanting to let go. I met her today but I swear to god this is something more. Some thing perfect. Something beautiful. We just stood there for what seems like forever until we both collapsed, onto the ratty old couch. We cuddled until we slipped out of consciousness and I fell asleep smiling. For the first time in forever it was real.

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