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I remember those moments all too clearly, as the truck smashed into the front of our tiny Prius and my life was officially ruined. The hood folded down and the wind shield shattered, sending shards of glass hurtling towards me and my family who were crammed into the car on the way to Florida. My brothers body flew in front of me, I didn't realize what had happened until I felt the warm ooze of blood seep from his head onto my shoulder. He had taken a piece of the hood to the head and was bleeding. Dying. My older brother. The boy who convinced our parents to get a Prius to be more eco friendly, the boy who convinced half of the class at school to go vegan because he loved animals too much to kill them or make them suffer he was dying. My older brother was being stolen from me. He was dying in my arms. I held him closer to me, sobbing as his breathing stilled. There were no dramatic last words uttered from his blood soaked lips, there was no talk of him walking ino the light. Was there a light? or was my beloved brother lost to the world, never to find peace after his violent ending to a short existence. How should I find peace without him? If I die today, i want it to be here next to my brother rather than a hospital, surrounded by nothing but the smell of bleach and bed pans. i would rather die with my brother than live without him.
My heart dropped.
No! He can't be dead! Zack can't be dead! This has to be some sick joke. Or some awful nightmare! any minute now I'll wake up. Right? wrong. somewhere in the back of my mind I know that my older brother is in fact very dead. because he saved my life-by being in front of me when the shrapnel hit him, it would have hit me if he had not been there and I would have been dead rather then him. My parents, the people who had created me and loved me for the past 15 years, were smashed under the hood, with no resemblance remaining of the beautiful people I loved. Reality comes crashing down and I collapse in my seat, losing consciousness. I am very aware that the car is on fire but I don't care there is no reason to worry about staying alive when there is no reason to be alive.
So I lean my head back into the seat, close my eyes and say goodbye...


Turns out I'm not dead. The police came just as I was about to be burned alive and dragged me out of the burning car. I was informed that there is nothing left of my family and there is nothing but debt for me to inherit. Such a great way to wake up, In a hospital room, being told how you lost everything because of a drunk driver. Apparently none of my other family members want me either so I'm headed to foster care. Im not really hurt so much as angry, why was everything taken away from me? How dare the universe take away my family?

The nurse came in, announcing that I was ok and I would be picked up by my new foster parents, I guess some people already wanted me.(a.n.- I'm not actually sure how the foster system works so that is probably very inaccurate.) about an hour later I was loading myself into the car of a man in his early thirties, he introduced himself as Walter and honestly something was off about him. His eyes shifted continually and refused to meet mine and his mouth was always pulled into a half smile as if he was fantasizing about whatever sick thoughts were going through his head.
His back curved forward with his shoulders hunched and his neck hung low, making him look secluded, as if his shoulders were walls separating him from the rest of the world. Everything about him reminded me of a rat, it made me increasingly uneasy.
I was, like always, armed with my switchblade, pushed up into my long sleeve for easy access incase Walter tried anything. After being told a man would be my foster parent I immediately made sure I was armed. I've heard enough stories. I was sitting in the front seat in awkward silence as Walter tried to make conversation and failed miserably to lighten the mood. I felt the death of my parents like a dumbbell being dropped on my chest from 200 stories, only to be picked up and dropped again. Leaving me in crippling agony that I had no intention of sharing. Especially not with Walter. The car shuddered to a halt as we stopped in front of a nice house in an ok neighborhood. Walter lead me to the front door and unlocked the door revealing a sub par living room.
As soon as the door opened he began to shake and jolt at odd times and I knew he was a sicko like they always talk about, I immediately felt for the heavy comforting weight of the blade against the skin under my sleeve. It was there, like always, and I turned back to Walter who was now muttering to himself. After a moment he slammed the door closed again and locked it before turning back to me. 
"come here" he hissed just barely loud enough for me to hear as took a step towards me. his hands were twitching violently now and i noticed he was fumbling with his belt buckle. oh fuck no. Not today. I backed towards the door and pulled the switchblade from my sleeve adjusting it in my grasp and holding it near my body. But that didnt stop him from leaping towards me and grabbing my shirt, pulling it down. unlike many people, im not afraid to stab a bitch, so i stabbed him, his shoulder was the closest thing to me so i stabbed that. i pushed the knife in, up to the hilt before twisting the blade and ripping it from his shoulder.
"Fuck you Walter stay away from me" I said as I took another step away from a lamp that he threw at me. Instead it crashed over my shoulder and through the window and I took my chance, screaming
"SOMEONE HELP, THIS CREEP IS TRYING TO RAPE ME HELP!!" As loud as I could attracting enough attention for a man to come barging through the door and throw Walter to the ground as I ran out of the house feeling sick to my stomach. I ran directly into a girl about my age with raven hair that fanned out around her shoulders as the wind twisted around us and green eyes that sparkled with a crystalline hint of blue as she looked back at me as if she was studying some priceless work of art. Her lips were a deep red that looked mostly natural (a.n-everyone wears lip gloss sometimes!) and they were pulled into a worried pout which was more adorable than anything else.
"Are you ok!"the beautiful girl said, putting her hand on my shoulder
" I' okay.. Im just glad someone came to help..." I stuttered
"Oh well ok... My names Kalista!" The girl said putting her hand out for me to shake
"Cheyenne" I responded, putting my cold hands into her warm ones and pulling my lips up into a forced half smile.

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