I think im on fire

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Cheyennes P.O.V.

I woke up next to Kalista and I vaguely remembered dancing the night before. Sun filtered through the blinds, cutting through the dust in the air, landing on Kalista and me. I loved the way her hair twisted around her neck and pooled around her chest right where her heart would be, as if it was shielding her heart from this cruel world. But I got the feeling that that heart had already been broken. Would I be enough to fix this? The broken look in her eyes no-matter what happened, there was no gleam in her eyes when she laughed. There was no happiness in her demeanor, everything she did was a mixture of cautious and humiliated, like she wished she could disappear and be gone forever. I wonder If she knew that I don't want her to leave? In fact I desperately want her to stay and I want to make everything ok for us.

The sun was making the room feel light and happy, like nothing could touch us, laying in our little heap on a sad old couch in an abandoned house that was falling apart at the seems. But of course, they could. And of course, they did. Someone knocked at the door, waited for about two seconds then knocked again sounding impatient. I hopped up not wanting Kalista to wake up, which failed because apparently I had forgotten that she was pretty much laying on top of me. So we both fell to the ground and I thought she would be irritable but she just smiled as soon as she saw me, trying to drag myself off of the ground. Of course I smiled back.

"Someone's at the door" I laughed because immediately after I said that there was another knock at the door.

"I'll get it, it's probably just some neighbors checking on you" she smiled as she turned away and headed to the door. This smile I swear had something in it, something real.

I watched from the doorway as she opened the door asking who was there. About six guys stood on the porch, they looked rich and they were all wearing generic rich kid clothes. Abercrombie, expensive ass jeans and whatever else they could find. As long as no one else could afford it. After my quick once over of the guys in the door way I shifted my attention back to Kalista. Her posture had gone rigid and I could just barely see the side of her face, her mouth was slightly open and her eyes looked scared. Her knees trembled ever so slightly, telling me that something was definitely not right.
"Hey look! The sluts scared!" Some blonde guy laughed
"Yeah, it must be embarrassing that the last time we saw you, you were naked"
Oh fuck no.
That's it, Kalista is more definitely not a whore or a slut and I know that these are the guys that caused her so much pain. And I have an itching suspicion of what they did. Even thinking about it brings out a rage that swallows me whole and makes me want to kill anything that comes near me or Kalista. Especially these guys.
"Excuse me why are you here" I let out a shaky breath, having to restrain myself from throwing myself at them with all of the pent up anger I have
"Oh look! The bitch got a girlfriend! She really will fuck anything" then one of them hit her. I lost it and I threw myself at him, pulling out my switch blade and swiping at anything I could hit. It landed in his leg and he bent over, crying out in pain and uttering a long string of cuss words.
"Get. The fuck. Away from her." I said through clenched teeth. And giving them all murderous glares. Kalista was frozen behind me but I heard a soft whimper behind me and I felt my heart clench.
"Fine. But we'll be back. We're not done with her" the tall blonde said pointing a finger at Kalista and let out a sickening chuckle. I felt like throwing up but instead I slammed the door and went back to Kalista and pulled her into my arms and getting her back to the couch where she silently sobbed into my shoulder. I wonder if she noticed how perfectly her face fit into the crook of my neck. I wonder if she noticed that her heart beat at the same time as mine. Something inside of my snapped when I thought about what those guys had done. How it had destroyed her.
"I'm so sorry" she sniffles and I was hit in the face with another wave of anger
"It's not your fault shhhh it's ok it's not your fault" I repeated those words over and over again and she kept mumbling about how sorry she was. And then about two hours later she stopped crying. She just sat up and pulled her face out of my neck. Then she leaned forward and her lips landed on mine I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss, her sadness seemed to swirl through the kiss but was soon covered up by the intense satisfaction in that kiss. That kiss was confirmation, our lips were like two pieces of a puzzle, we fit together perfectly. Our lips knew what to do and so did every other part of us, we moved perfectly in sync as the passion twisted in between us. That moment was perfect, the room disappeared leaving me and kalista to each other, nothing else mattered, nothing else existed except for this moment. There was not traumatizing past, no terrifying future just an intensely perfect moment that had been waiting to happen from the moment we both laid eyes on each other.

I felt myself being pulled closer to her and I wove my hands through her hair, moaning softly. Then she broke the kiss. That infinity was cut off. And we both let out a breath, sitting facing each other on the couch the sadness in her eyes seemed like it had been pushed to the back of her mind.

The only thing that mattered was her. Even though just outside hell was breaking loose, all I saw was her.

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