Sleeping Bags....

Começar do início

Screw it. This won't cut it, I need something more....

I rolled over and in the darkness of the tent I could barely make out the silhouette of the person sleeping next to me. Engrossed in my chilling circumstances, I wasn’t paying much attention while settling in, to who was around me, but I thought I remembered noticing Arthit taking the empty spot next to mine.

I decided that it was time for Mr. Rojnapat and I to finally get up close and personal, even if it was solely for the sake of me leeching some body heat out of him tonight.

I wiggled my arm out of my sleeping bag, biting back a string of curses at the frigid air that sliced its way into my little cocoon. Not wanting to alert or disturb the four other students in our tent, I whispered,

"Arthit ??"

His breathing shifted and I knew he was awake. But he gave no response.

Wow.... what a surprise.

Undeterred, I wiggled a little closer to him and poked him in the back, continuing to whisper.

"Arthit. I know you are awake !!"

Very slowly he rolled over to face me. I could barely make out his features but I could tell that his eyes were open and that his face was temptingly close to mine. I could hardly make out his words, he whispered back so softly

"Are you alright, Kong ??"

"I am really cold, freezing even... Is there any way we could share a bag or something and, you know, keep each other warm ??"

He was still and silent for a moment, and I figured he was just going to ignore me like he always did. But then I felt him sit up and heard the distinct sound of a zipper grinding open. I was glad the darkness was hiding the wide smile that broke out across my face. I opened up my own bag as quietly as possible and then Arthit skillfully joined the two bags, together. Before I knew it, Arthit and I were enclosed in our very own double bag. We both laid on our sides, again facing each other. The tent around us was full of the deep, regular breathing of our tent-mates, so I was happy we had managed to stay covert.

Being this close to him, yet still have him seem so far away from me was torture. His scent was heavy around me and my skin was itching, wanting to be touched by him. I knew I was settling myself up for massive disappointment if I let myself get lost in an unattainable fantasy about what I hoped.... would happen.

"Thank you"

I whispered. I was feeling a bit warmer, but my body shivered hard.

Arthit didn’t answer. Instead, he slid his one arm out and under my neck, his other arm encircling my body and pulling me close to him. My face was tucked against his chest and his chin was resting on the top of my head. The length of our bodies pressed together in a perfect fit, and it took every ounce of effort I could gather not to sigh out loud in contentment. Being surrounded by him like this was..... Delicious.

His breath was hot against my ear and the thought of being so close to those lips, I had been fantasizing about for so long made me shiver again, but this time it had nothing to do with the cold. In fact, I was suddenly feeling rather flushed.

"Is this ok ??"

His voice was soft like liquid chocolate and I could feel the bass rumble in his chest against me. I simply nodded, not trusting what words might tumble out of my mouth, should I attempt to reply.

'Keep it together Kong. He is just being nice. The whole not talking thing ?? Yeah, that probably happened for a reason, that won’t be changed by sharing a sleeping bag for a night'

Christening The HouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora