Emerging from a tent made purely off of stone, Toph exploded the stone structure and raised her hands.

Belt in one hand, fist in the other.

Toph: "Goodmorning, earthbending student!"

The young girl walks up to the two boys.

Aang bows and Y/n follows right after.

Aang: "Goodmorning, Sifu Toph."

Y/n: "Goodmorning, Toph."

Katara stretched from her slumber and looked at Aang, a drowsy look still on her face.

Katara: "You never called me Sifu Katara."

Aang places his hand behind his neck and scratches.

Aang: "Well, if you think I should—

His foot accidentally lands on Sokka, who retaliated by worming his sleeping bag away from the avatar.

Toph "looks" at Katara before speaking.

Toph: "I'm sorry, snoozles. We'll do our earthbending as quetly as we can."

Toph smirks and slams her foot on the ground.

A pillar raises itself below Sokka, launching him up high into the air.

In a state of panic, Y/n rushes beneath where Sokka would land and spreads his arms to catch him.

Y/n: "I got you, I got you!"

Sokka's body falls a bit to the left of Y/n, leafing a Sokka-sized hole on the earth.

The young warrior stands up and grumbles at everything in sight out of frustration before hopping out of the scene, sleeping bag still equipped.

Aang excitedly jumps towards Toph.

Aang: "What moves are you going to teach me first? The rockalanche? The trembler? Uh, maybe I can make a whirlpool out of land."

Y/n extends his hand to ease Aang's excitement.

Y/n: "Don't you think you're getting carried away? You're just about to start earthbending, those advanced moves can come for later, no?"

Toph snaps her fingers and points at the one who spoke.

Toph: "Bingo."

The Sifu raises a small boulder from the ground and pushes it a few feet.

Toph: "Let's start by moving a rock, first."

Aang claps his hands.

Aang: "Sounds good, sounds good!"

The earthbending teacher releases a huff before grabbing Aang by the hands and leading him to the training grounds.

In the meantime, Y/n, Katara, and Sokka had their own stuff to deal with.

Walking over to the extremely bothered and sleep-desiring Sokka, Y/n crouches down and speaks to him.

Y/n: "They gone now. You can sleep easy now."

Sokka releases a thumbs up to which Y/n returns.

Then, Y/n walks over to Katara who's laying back down on her own sleeping bag.

Y/n: "Gonna go back to sleep?"

The young Waterbender nods.

Katara: "Yeah, just... gonna... go back to... sleep a bit..."

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