Chapter Fourteen

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"Oh no..." Lloyd said as panic started to flood his head. He shook his head and looked down. "Alright Lloyd, you're lost in a maze and separated. All you gotta do is find your way out and move forward, simple." He said as he began walking, moving down paths and running into dead ends. He sighed as he grew frustrated when he found himself in the same area he was last time. "Seriously?" He asked before immediately shifting when a green blade came down at him from behind. He winced and ducked to the side to see Bansha as he turned around.

Bansha raised up her double bladed weapon and scoffed. "You and your friends have caused us a lot of trouble. Maybe if I kill you here and now, Morro will finally focus on the real objective." She said as she swung her weapon at him.

Lloyd immediately blocked it and swung back at her. What did she mean by that? His mind went back to the real situation and immediately used his sword to push back, separating the two of them before clashing and swinging their swords repeatedly. Bansha was quick, he needed to get moving before Morro catches up.

Bansha couldn't help but lightly cackle at the sight of Lloyd's struggle. "What's wrong? Am I too fast for you? Maybe some fresh air will help." She teased, jumping forward and swung her blade.

Lloyd shifted and leaned back before her blade could even cut the fabric. He quickly responded and managed to kick her back, he went off and ran. He didn't care if he wasn't going the right way, but then he noticed something... Some of the engraved snake patterns on the wall were only in a few paths. He looked back when he heard Bansha cry out in rage. Welp, that was his cue to get moving. Testing his theory, he only went down the path's the snakes were engraved on.


Morro huffed as he glared at Nya, he was tired, Kai was tired. His arm and back stung from the nasty burn mark the lightning had given him. But he couldn't let that slow him down. Show no weakness. Morro growled before letting out a frustrated yell and ran towards Nya, swinging both his blades at Nya.

Nya blocked the attack as she held up her two daggers, holding the cursed blades back from slicing down at her. She noticed that Morro wasn't fighting the same. His swings didn't feel as strong as they were in the past times they fought him. He was tired and Nya was going to use it to her advantage. She had to fight, she couldn't let her brother down. No matter how tiring this battle had become. She huffed before speaking. "What's wrong? Pushing yourself too hard? Maybe you should've brought the sword of sanctuary with ya or did you lose it?" She teased, aiming to tire the other out.

Morro growled as he had enough of Nya and clashed down his katana's once more at her. She was wasting his time. Clever girl... taking his time to tire him out. He can play his own games too.

Nya continued swinging, blocking and dodging his attacks. All was going well until she left an opening and was struck back. She winced and fell back against a crumbled stone wall. She tried to get up but a cold hand grabbed her throat and raised her up against the wall. Then she felt a stinging pain from the sudden burning flames that started to rise. Nya yelped as she tried desperately to get Morro's hand off her. She tried kicking and she could hear Cole cry out her name before being forced to continue his battle with the many ghosts that he was trying to hold back with Zane.

Morro grinned cruelly as his grip tightened around her throat. He was trying to burn her neck. "Maybe I should get rid of you first, you've been an annoying nuisance and having an issue like yourself be rid of would greatly please my master..." He said before noticing the flames had stopped as they died down. "..What-" Morro Immediately winced as Kai kicked in. 'Leave my sister alone!' Before Morro knew it, a large chunk of stone came flying at him. Letting go of Nya, Morro yelped as it was already too late and was launched a couple feet away from them.

Vengeful Fire (Possessed Kai ninjago fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum