Chapter 17 - Running

Start from the beginning

"What's happening? Is there an attack? What's the emergency?" He panicked slightly and hurried on his steps to the barracks. His gear was still by his bunk and he cursed himself quietly for leaving without them. His general didn't seem to calm either which indicated it was either something to do with the senate -the Chancellor or Senator Amidala-, General Kenobi or Ahsoka. Rex feared that it would be the latter but hoped not. Maybe his gut hadn't been wrong the moment earlier when he felt wierd.

"They have taken Ahsoka into custody for the murder of Letta. They won't let me inside to see her." His stomach twisted. Ahsoka imprisoned? He couldn't believe it.

"I'll be ready in five," he responded and started running.

"Good, meet me outside. I'm going to fix us a ship." The call ended and Rex did his best to stay calm.


They walked from the Jedi shuttle with determined steps. With the time that had passed since the funeral earlier that day it would soon be getting dark by the Jedi Temple and Senate Building and Anakin was NOT leaving Ahsoka overnight.

When they neared the entrance they heard the sounds of sirens going off, indicting an emergency. Anakin cast Rex a quick glance and they started simultaneously running. At the control center a single trooper stood and minded the panels while red lights flashed above him.

"What's going on here trooper?" Rex asked as an order and walked up to the window that sepparated him and Anakin from the room.

The trooper noticed him and went to face him from the other side. "Prisoner Ahsoka Tano has broken free of her cell. We are shutting down the building to contain her. Commander Fox is pursuing her in the west corridors," he explained. Rex and Anakin looked at eachother again and anger could be seen in Anakin's blue eyes. The trooper had already returned to the buttons and levers at the furthest wall and Anakin and Rex continued hurriedly, aiming at the area that had been mentioned.

They heard Fox's voice on their comm' issuing code red and orders to shoot to kill just as they cut a corner and he came into view. He sat crouched on the floor with his back turned to them.

"Belay that order Commander Fox!" Anakin ordered as they ran up to him and stopped. Anakin ended up slightly behind.

"Sir she has killed troopers!" Fox answered as he stood up and Rex's gaze went to the floor. Three guard clones layed dead with still smoky cuts from dual lightsabers over their torsos.

Rex looked over them thoroughly. It seemed like Ahsoka's doing but he knew better. "I know Commander Tano. She would never do something like this." Rex spoke with confidence, it couldn't have been Ahsoka, not the Ahsoka he knew.

Anakin looked at Fox and then away in the corridor where Ahsoka must have gone while Fox turned to Rex and asked "Then who did?"

They looked at eachother and Rex was about to speak when Anakin interrupted them."Quiet!" Anakin put his hand on Rex's shoulder and pushed himself past them. He took a couple steps away from them and then called out for Ahsoka. "Ahsoka! It's me, Anakin."He knew there was heavy echoing in the building due to the metal walls and Ahsoka would have no problem hearing him even if she didn't have her montrals. They looked up at the ceeling and listened attentively. Nothing was heard but Anakin was convinced she had stopped and was listening to him. "Stop running," he continued.

This time they got an answer.

"You can't help me Master. Someone's setting me up." Relief filled Rex. She was okay, at least it sounded like it, but then worry took over when her words sunk in. Who was setting her up? What had really happened?

Anakin had heard it too and raised his voice a bit more. He felt her slipping from him again. "I believe you Ahsoka!"

"But no one else will." He felt her dissapear further away, marking that the conversation was over on her part.

Anakin lowered his head and his voice became darker when he spoke again, this time to Rex and Fox. "Keep searching until we find her." He turned and walked back towards the entrance. Upon passing he gave Rex a few words before running off. "Call security. Tell them we need to search the entire base. Now!"

He did as instructed and let out a deep breath before having to say the words. "General Skywalker has issued and all-points bulletin on Commander Ahsoka Tano. She's killed three clones and should be considered armed and dangerous." Rex and Fox split after that, both going their own way trying to cover all the escape ways.

I'm going to try posting at least every other week for a while, at least over christmas, but sorry if I can't keep up with it. I have so many finnished or almost finnished chapters that play out further into the story so if I just get these out it should get easier later. I plan on re-doing this entire story, there's waaayyyy too much loose threads and skit I don't like.

Ahsoka and Rex - I want to go far away and never come backWhere stories live. Discover now