"Are you planning on doing that before or after we leave?" Tommy inquired, checking the time from the sun's position on the sky.

Aphmau hesitated before answering that she would do it after they came.

"Where are we even heading at first? Are we going straight to O'Khasis, because that would definitely be a suicide mission."

"I know a place we could maybe seek for help from, but I don't know if anyone's there anymore. Don't say anything to Katelyn and Garroth, but I know a few thieves from Nahakra Village", Aphmau answered. Tommy nodded. "Alright, I won't tell them. I know they won't like the idea if they know we're going to see thieves."

"I think I'm going to go find Zoey and talk to her about Lilith. I need someone to look after her anyways while we're away", Aphmau suddenly said. She had stopped and was looking kinda distant and nervous.

"Alright. Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Tommy asked taking a step closer to her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Aphmau bit her lip. "I-", she started, but shook her head. "Never mind, it's nothing", she answered.

"If you change your mind, you can tell me", Tommy frowned. It hurt him to see that his mother wasn't alright. He didn't know what it was about, but he saw that something was hurting her.

Aphmau nodded before hurrying off towards the village, leaving Tommy alone by the beach.

          The sound of water splashing came from behind him and soon changed to footsteps hitting the sand.

"Ye shouldn't worry about 'er. She doesn't seem to be alright, but she'll be fine. She just needs some time by 'erself", a familiar soft voice called from behind him and a wet hand that smelt like salt was placed on his shoulder.

"How do you know that?" Tommy asked quietly. He trusted Sally, but now he was feeling like she didn't care about Aphmau.

"I can sense what's wrong with 'er. I've spied enough to know what's goin' on. She be strong an' I know she'll be fine with given some time to 'er", Sally spoke softly. "Trust me. I care about 'er too, everyone 'ere does", she continued.

"Can you tell me what's wrong with her?" Tommy begged the ginger shapesifter behind him, turning around to look into her orange eyes. She had a sympathetic look on her water stained face.

"It be not me place to tell ye. She will do it by 'erself once she be ready", she answered and brushed his hair behind his ear with her wet, salt smelling hand.

"Fine, I won't ask you about it", Tommy sighed and looked into the ocean. "Sometimes when I look into the ocean, it reminds me of Dream Smp and everyone there", he said quietly.

"Do ye miss it?"

"I miss some people, but I would never choose it over this. Ru'aun is my home. Aphmau is my mum. Levin, Malachi and Lilith are my siblings. Clementine and Shroud are my children. Your my sister-in-law. That's not even everyone, who I consider as my family here. Meanwhile in the Dream Smp I had only like Grian, who was taken away from me, Tubbo, Ranboo, sometimes Wilbur and Techno. But there I felt like no one listened to me whenever I was feeling bad", Tommy spoke quietly. "The wars didn't do anything good to any of us. I have a feeling that they ruined us. We fought well, but that costed us a lot. Here we can fight wars, but still keep our families", he continued and Sally listened to everything.

"The wars was so sudden an' no one expected them. No one been ready fer it even if they said they was", Sally spoke quietly. She hadn't been there to see the wars, but she had heard everything about them. She still couldn't believe how badly Wilbur, the man she had loved and still loved, had snapped.

          For a moment they both just stood there, listening to the quiet waves of the ocean and the rustling of the leaves in the trees. The place was way more quiet than the Dream Smp and it looked prettier. It was nothing like the Dream Smp, and that was why Tommy loved it so much.

"I really wish I 'ad been able to stay. Maybe I could 'ave been able to change Wilbur's mind", Sally finally whispered, breaking the silence between them.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think you could have changed that much. He just snapped somehow. First fell for an enemy and then snapped. I don't know what Dream did to him, but he did or said something", Tommy spoke quietly. "Maybe he was just so lonely after you had disappeared that he was ready to took any love that you was given yo him."

"I know 'e fell fer the enemy, but that there won't avast the love I carry fer 'im. I will always love 'im", Sally hummed and placed her hand against her chest. "I knew I couldn't stay with 'im fer long, so I decided that there I could give 'im somethin' a bit more special. We was just 16 in that there world, but I knew 'e would survive with our son", she chuckled.

"Wait, did you plan your pregnancy with Fundy?" Tommy turned to look at the female, who chuckled.

"I did. I knew 'e would be fine with a child o' ours", she explained. "I don't know if 'e liked that there choice, but I don't regret anythin'", she continued.

"He really loved Fundy, until he snapped. Fundy got a really hard time after that, but he grew up. He's a fighter", Tommy sighed sadly as he thought of the young shapesifter.

"'e's me little fighter", Sally hummed quietly and whipped away the tears she hadn't even noticed were falling from her eyes. Unlike Tommy, she regretted leaving.

"You would change anything for a chance to go back to them." It wasn't a question, it was the truth Tommy knew. He saw in in Sally, he saw her pain and regret. That was the one thing that separated them. Sally regretted leaving and Tommy didn't.

"I would do anythin' to get aft there", Sally whispered as tears began falling from her eyes. She sobbed quietly and Tommy wrapped his arms around her, just like she had done to him many times as a child. "I miss me family. I miss them so much", she sobbed, burying her face into his shoulder.

          Tommy lowered them on the ground and let her wail in her grief. He didn't say a words, just held her like she had done always when he had fallen and hurt himself as a child. Sally was his sister and he would never abandon her. He would do anything to get her back to her family.

Words: 1803

(Haha, it's been a while-)

(Look at our new little gecko! We just got him two days ago!)

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