You're Holding Yourself Back

189 21 37

Mia looked guilty sitting on the ground while Anti had all her brothers tied up a couple of yards away from her. They didn't look happy, either.

"I'm sorry!" she tried, "I don't . . . I don't know what I'm doing, okay!?"

Anti snorted, "Obviously but now's not the time for doubt, Mia. You can do this. I know you can"

Dark Chica rolled over in front of a tied up Chase as if asking for her belly to be rubbed. Chase just glared at her, "You know my hands are tied, right?"

Dark Chica didn't care. She just wanted attention, which Sean was all too eager to provide.

"We could try again, lass" Anti offered.

Mia just shook her head, "No offense, Anti but I don't think this idea is doing it. You're just not . .. scary anymore, Anti"

" . . . . . . . . . . ." Anti didn't looked too thrilled by that but carried on, "That's alright. I have another idea we could try later here"

"Oh really!?" Marvin snapped at him, "You could have just suggested BOTH, you asshole!"

Anti shrugged, "Eh, this was the more fun option for me"

"Anti!" Sean warned him like a strict parent but the glitch just stuck his tongue out at him.

Mia cracked a grin but hid it away before they could see.

"We don't have a lot of time, Anti" Marvin snapped his fingers and the rope fell apart off of all of them, "If Mia's power is the only way to stop Actor then we have to-"

Anti glanced at Mia and could see her struggle, "It's okay, Marv. . . . we'll figure this out. Let's go get some lunch for now, huh? We'll try again after"

They all huddled in the kitchen together . . some with scratches and a few small bruises thanks to Anti.

Mia suddenly flinched, though as Sean gave her a sandwich, "My phone's buzzing" she took it out and looked at it, "I gotta take this. I'll be right back"

Mia just ran upstairs with her sandwich and phone in hand.

Silence draped over the kitchen then for a little bit as they all enjoyed what COULD be their last meal. Anything could happen at any time with Actor any they had to be prepared. But let's face it . .. it made them sick to their stomachs.

Anti could barely swallow down his own sandwich, worried if HE would be able to match against Actor this next time around.

"I believe in you, Anti"

The glitch looked up to see Henrik staring at him, coffee in hand, " . . .what?"

"I said I believe in you . . . ." the doctor repeated, "You know . . . . what you told me weeks ago . . . it still goes through my head"

"What?" Chase squinted, "What you guys talking about?"

Henrik didn't answer him but kept his eyes on Anti until the glitch finally relented.

"You never blabbed to them, huh? . . . I'm surprised, really"

"About what?" Chase asked, "Come on, I can't be the only one wondering?"

"No, you're not" Marvin answered him.

Sean looked confused, too but Jameson . .. this had nothing to do with him and he figured that.

Dark Chica whimpered softly and Jameson gave her a piece of lunchmeat.

Anti gave in, "I told Hen . . . the time I spent in the tube . . . being . . . tested on . . . . rendered over and over . . . . I was awake. I could hear all of you. That was why I attacked."

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