Anti Is Always Full of Surprises

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The OC's name in this is gonna be called 'Mia Mayura' (no last name) as decided by the polls a few days before starting this first chap. Once again, I hope you all enjoy this story. It's not gonna be fully on romantic as most of my stories but it IS going to be a little more different from anything else I've written. Enjoy!

(Also, the Septic OC has powers just like most of the other Septic egos 😅 but that'll be explained more in the story)

ALSO, I feel like I have to state this here in the beginning after all this time but someone thought Mia throughout the entire story was a little girl. She's NOT. She has the mind and body of a 30 year old just like Sean, Stacey and the Septic egos. She may be 'younger' than Jameson but she's NOT a child! Just a NEWER 'ego'.

I hope this news helps people reading this story in the future lol

October 2016

Henrik flitted through his papers anxiously. He wasn't used to this sort of work.

"Are you sure you vant this?"

Sean chuckled, "Well yeah, I mean what could go wrong? I made YOU guys, right? You worry too much, Henrik. I'm sure you did everything right"

The doctor clicked his pen like a fidget toy, "I am not so sure. . . . I mean did you even LOOK at these results? Something is not right here"

Sean just waved it off, "Like I said. You worry too much, Hen. I mean . . this IS our first time making an ego like THIS . . . but I'm sure he'll turn out just like the others! You guys turned out alright. And he does look like me or .. . us"

Henrik stared at the ego in the incubation cell. This ego's eyes were closed still in stasis until they were ready to awaken him and he had needles and patches attached to him to record his blood pressure, heart rate and brain waves.

Every once in a while his equipment would glitch but he just figured he wasn't used to this sort of work. He wasn't a mad scientist but Sean seemed intent on making him one.

"Now come on! I'm gonna go out and get our food. You should come upstairs and hang out with the others. Get away from the papers and all that"


"He's fine, Hen. Now come on. You need to relax once in a while" Sean walked up the stairs but Henrik still wasn't sure.

"I'll just . . . I have to take care of one more thing. I'll be up for supper by the time you return"

Sean sighed but left anyway.

Henrik turned back to face the incubator and stared at his project, fixing his glasses again, "I sure do hope you turn out relatively normal. Well . . as normal as it gets around here that is"

Biting the inside of his cheek, Henrik shrugged to himself and went back over to his desk to organize a few things. He never did like to keep his desk neat. He knew where everything was!

But as he fooled around and stalled himself, something eerie started to happen.

The monitors started to glitch again but Henrik stopped paying attention to it.

The creature in the incubator was still and calm . . .. but he was never unconscious.

As he recognized Sean to be gone, it snapped open its eyes. His vision was blurry at first in the strange liquid he floated in but the more he looked around, the clearer it got. He saw movement over by the desk.

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